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Author's Note-I'm not the best when it comes to punctuation and/or grammar so please excuse my mistakes if there are any, or you can point them out and I'll fix them :). thank you for reading and enjoy loves<3



'japanese thoughts'

'english thoughts'


'Ugh... I'm so tired.. But I have to get groceries..' I sighed and sat up, rubbing my eyes before stretching. I groaned as my back popped and stood up from my bed, fixing my blankets before heading to my closet to change out of my shorts and tank top. It was cold when it was dark out, and I definitely didn't want to be out there in a tanktop and shorts where some pervert could follow me home or whatever.

I changed into some jeans and a sweater and grabbed my phone and bag. Walking to the living room, I glanced at the clock in the kitchen which read '6:03 AM'. 'Jeez.. I woke up early..' I thought to myself, since on weekends I usually woke up around 8 to 12. Since it was so early, my Aunt might be up soon and if I wasn't back by the time she woke up, she would be worried, so I decided to write her a note.

'I'm off to the grocery store. If you need me before I'm back, call me. And if i'm not back by 8, I've probably been kidnapped.<3

Love you, Y/N'

'That should be good enough..' I placed the note on the kitchen counter and walked to the front door, slipping on my shoes and grabbing my keys before exiting the house. I checked my bag to make sure I had my wallet and enough money then walked over to the local 24 hour grocery mart. Luckily for me, I was good friends with the man who ran the store so maybe I could get a discount or some treats that he gave me for free like always.

2nd POV-

Walking into the store, the man immediately greeted you with a sweet smile. "Ah! Goodmorning Y/N! You aren't usually up so early. Did your Aunt make you come get groceries?" he chuckled, and you smiled back. "Ah- No.. I woke up early on my own, so I figured I could come get some groceries so my Aunt wouldn't have to come later on.." he looked shocked for a moment before giving you a proud smile. "How mature of you Y/N! Every time I see you, you grow more and more! Haha!"

'What a sweet man..' you thought to yourself. No matter how sad you were before, he always seemed to make you smile. "Ah, thank you Mr.Oliver. Hm.. Say.. do you have any new flowers..?" you had always been interested in flowers, even having a notebook in your bag with preserved ones and notes on it. "Ah, yes! We got this new flower called 'wisteria'! It's very pretty! Would you like a bouquet of some?"

'Wisteria? Like from Kimetsu No Yaiba?' "Sure! That'd be great!" you took out your wallet to get the money to buy it but he immediately shook his head. "It's on the house dear! Go get your groceries and It'll be ready for you when you're done!" your heart couldn't help but melt, he was always so sweet. If you didn't know any better, you would say he was your guardian angel sent from above to protect you.

"Thank you.." you put your wallet away and went to go get your groceries.

°*~✿time skip✿~*°

Walking up to the counter with your groceries, Mr.Oliver rang you up and gave you the flowers. After paying for everything, you walked out, waving him goodbye. 'I should go to the park so I can put the wisteria in my notebook..' so you did just that, heading over to the park and sitting down on a nearby bench before pulling out your notebook and phone. You searched up some facts about the wisteria flower and wrote them down in your notebook next to the preserved flower Mr.Oliver had given you.

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