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It's been a week since Tobirama's arrival and he was already assigned a room close to the teacher's lounge to be kept under surveillance.

It was an average sized room with a bed, closet, and small bath and window. Nothing too amazing.

He heard gossip about the upcoming sports festival and teachers betting on which person or which class would win or what place they would get.

Why would they hold such a large event after being attacked? It's stupid and there's no guarantee for the students' safety. He had his armor and weapons confiscated as well. He was allowed to keep his happuri but it was to be kept at a safe distance so the heroes would know it won't be used as some sort of weapon.

Now, Tobirama was clothed in a navy blue crew neck and black pants. He looked...approachable if it weren't for his heavy aura. He tried to suppress his chakra to that of a normal amount, but because this world was unaware of chakra and only relied on quirks, they were still overwhelmed by the small traces of chakra.

Currently speaking...Nezu barely managed to convince Tobirama to teach the 1A students for a month as...community service for his crimes of harming a student. A compromise was made. After gaining shelter, Tobirama requested(and was very persuasive) to have a week and a half before he could teach. Nezu, seeing Tobirama's great teaching potential, really wanted to see the kids improve under his supervision and agreed.

Then again, Tobirama didn't hate having students. He enjoyed entertaining and was quite fond of children. He just didn't want to teach such young minds who didn't understand the weight of the techniques he taught.

The weight of being able to murder using said techniques.

He taught the children in his world because they understood the uses of these techniques and jutsu. Did not sabotage them for their own personal gain. They were used on C and above ranked missions outside of the gates of Konoha and were used to defend, attack, and kill.

This word was different though, and he would just have to accept it. Besides, he already agreed.

Today, he decided to go into the city for a bit to explore and read books on the government and law system to better understand how this world works. The local "Barnes and Nobel" was ideal. He didn't really understand the modern electronics he had seen people using. He just made the excuse of being old fashioned. It did fascinate him though, he will admit, with their bright screens that could seemingly distract people from reality.

Today, Midnight was the one accompanying him into the city. She tried many times to be a bit seductive and flirty, but it was always deflected coldly.

"Tobirama, while we're out, we could go visit a good restaurant I know about. 6 tonight sound good?"

"A kind offer, but I'll just eat whatever Lunchrush serves or I'll cook for myself." He turned down the offer immediately. He barely acknowledged her existence as his eyes stayed glued on the many shelves on Japan's history and it's government.

Later on, she tried again.

"You're pretty attractive, y'know. Maybe we could go out some other time." This time, she swayed her hips slightly, her eyes half-lidded."We could go to your room after."

Tobirama sighed through his nose. He turned her down already. This woman was not getting it through to her thick skull. "I believe my previous answer was clear that I did not want to associate with you more than as simple acquaintances and temporary colleagues. Even so, I wouldn't accept this offer should anyone else had asked. Especially you."

Midnight had dropped the topic. This guy was a block of ice. Cold and Strict. She knew she had no chance at such a man, but if was a good effort.

It had been an hour since then and Tobirama had already devoured 11 books since arriving here 3 hours ago. Each book at least 1 inch thick.

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