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What...is this...?

Tobirama looked at the pizza in his hand. He just took a bite and his aura practically had flowers in them as curiosity bubbled in his head.

Would the culinary world in Konoha become this refined one day? The Akimichi clan would love this. Anija would too.

He could imagine his older brother with his star struck face very clearly. It made him smile a smidge. He was glad he was alone right now. It's somewhat embarrassing to be so moved by food.


Tobirama shot his eyes open as he woke up to the same white ceiling for the past week and a half. He's assigned to 3rd period physical hero training.

His first day of teaching.

How long has it been since he first started teaching amateurs again?

10? 15 years?

He forgot. It's not like you keep track of the bodies you kill so what's the difference.

He yawned, scratching at his neck where the collar still was. He laid in bed for a few seconds before glancing at his clock.


The man sighed before getting up and pulled his arms over his head as he stretched, satisfying pops resonated against the walls.

Hopefully they're not complete amateurs.

Tobirama groggily walked to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, contemplating his life choices of how he was an esteemed warrior, striking fear into his enemies with just the mention of his name to being a teacher for some nobodies.

He splashed water on his face and wiped off his hands and face with a towel before walking to his closet and throwing a white shirt and black slack pants onto the bed. They were bought by Midnight making the excuse of him having no fashion sense.

He slipped out of his sleeping clothes and changed into the new ones before looking at the lock again. 8:24.

Now for breakfast.

Tobirama mentally prepared himself for the human interaction today. He doesn't like unnecessary conversations and it was mentally taxing. People here didn't get the message as clearly as in Konoha when he had his weight shifted onto his left more is when he's in a bad mood.

It's a shame modern people aren't as observant as shinobi.

He unlocked the door as he was ready to be bombarded by his temporary colleagues.

He didn't talk as he got his late breakfast from lunch rush, only acknowledging the other by nodding thanks before immediately retreating to the hall to get to his sanctuary:his room.

But alas, just like how he was transported to this strange world and blackmailed to be a teacher, things weren't going his way today.

"Hey there Tobirama!"

He steps haunted as he cursed internally."Good morning, Midnight. It's a surprise to see you here, considering you teach next period in 15 minutes."

"It's just down the other corridor, besides, I like being with you more." Her tone at the beginning turned from friendly to flirty.

Having enough and just wanting to eat his rice bowl, he simply took a step to the side and continued walking to his room as he said back."Unfortunately, our agendas don't match. The opposite actually. It's simply that I would much rather be anywhere else than with you."

He arrived at his room and unlocked the door before slamming it behind him.

Midnight crouched down and sulked in a corner as she drew circles with her finger

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