Part 1

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The man wandered through the rock 'garden'. It was a small area in this horrible, awful place that was filled with pebbles and such, which were the only source of amusement he had, aside from finding a way to control the creatures that inhabited the space.

The one in front of him whined as he raised an arm, getting louder and louder until it was screaming out in pain. Its head rolled back, the flower-like mouth opening wide. And then there was silence, aside from the gentle thud as dead body fell to the cold, dark ground.
He was still learning, after all. He couldn't be expected to perfect every little detail immediately. And it was fun to watch them perish too.

"So... You're the new guy..." A voice called from somewhere. It was high, but still somehow threatening.
"Who goes there?!" He yelled, spinning on the spot with his arm raised.
"Oh look at that, the child has powers, how sweet. And he can hear me! Even better!" He laughed an evil, psychotic laugh.
"Where are you?! Show yourself!"

One held both his hands out, still disgusted by the sight of them. When he found Eleven again she'd be punished for what she had done to him. After he had helped her so much, she had betrayed him, had abandoned him here looking like this. Forever.

Whoever it was that was speaking, was the first person he had talked to in the several months he had been here, aside from the rock versions of his mother, his father, Papa, and El, who probably didn't count since they were all made of pebbles, but they did look correct, until he destroyed them.

"Oh but that would be no fun, would it..." The voice paused for a moment, "But, you know what, I'll be very, very generous to you. Just this once."
Something began moving in the rock beneath One and he yelled in alarm, moving back, both hands spread out threateningly.

A small crab crawled from the stone. It had large claws that seemed much too big for its body, and legs so skinny he could barely see them.

It had kept its head down, but now pulled it up, revealing a human face, that seemed to be sewn onto the crab, with harsh red lines around its edges. It grinned wickedly at One, who yelled and crashed his foot down on top of it.
He was barefoot since there was nothing here he could make shoes out of, and his feet were so disfigured now that he doubted he would even be able to make them stay on.
Now, he knew that had been a mistake, as the crab seemed to have clung to his foot, and scattered to the top of it, smiling again.

"What the hell are you?!"
"I'm Pennywise!" It chirped, laughing again.

He watched in horror as it began to grow bigger and bigger, hopping off of him, the face popping out of the crab and revealing a clown suit behind it. He stopped when he was just slightly taller than One.

"Hello, Henry." He grabbed One's hands, forcing them into fists, which he kept a hold of as he talked, keeping a stupid smile on his stupid clown lips. "Now, calm down. We don't want anyone to get hurt by your magic, now do we?"
"I am not a child! Don't treat me like one!"
"Oh, but you are. You see, beings like us, creatures with" He let go and made jazz hands by the sides of his face, as if he knew that One wouldn't destroy him, too terrified to even try, "Power... All try to get along. Now, of course, you're much weaker than me, but you're still better than the cattle on the rest of your puny planet."
"You see them as worthless, I see them as food. Just another reason I'm better than you." He smiled again and One grimaced.
"You eat humans?"
"Yes. And then I keep their souls in balloons. It's very simple, Henry."
"Stop calling me that."
"I know you don't like it. Shall I call you Vecna, then?"
He cocked his head at the clown.
"Oh! That's right! I caught Maturin talking about you. He said the children are going to call you Vecna."
"What does that mean...?"
The clown shrugged. "I don't know everything, Henry. Just all of the past, some of the present, and a few snippets of the future." He smiled and walked away, over to the dead, hairless, creature. "What do you call these?"
"Monsters. They don't need a name."
"The children'll call them Demogorgons. After a character in a game named dungeons and dragons."
"Is that where my name comes from?"
He nodded, smiling as he swallowed the creature whole.
"How did you...?"
Pennywise turned to him, his eyes unfocused, staring at nothing, but grinning happily still. One decided to be quiet at that.
"How did you get here?" He asked instead.
"I can go anywhere. You could too if you snook into Maturin's toenails."
He blinked at the clown. "Right... Uh... How long did you say you were going to..."
One looked around, but Pennywise had disappeared. He shook his head. Whatever that clown was, he hoped they'd never have to meet again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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