𝟎𝟎𝟐. 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞

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- ͙۪۪˚something doesn't feel right about this country .


after a lot of convincing and even more begging, the twins found themselves aboard a train with the elric brothers. fu and lan fan wouldn't accompany them inside, but the twins weren't too worried, they knew they'd meet them at their destination.

the twins sat across from the boys with winry, mingyu attempting to fall asleep on her brothers shoulder. winry noticed the way mingyu clung to her brother, holding a firm grip on his arm to keep her self steady whenever the train cart jerked or shook. "is she okay?" winry asked, peaking over at mingyu.

"ming can't see on trains," ling explained, looking down at her, watching his sister's eyes flutter shut. "that's why we found our own way to amestris."

"how exactly does that work?" alphonse, who sat next to his older brother asked.

ling shrugged, "she could probably explain it better. but think of it like this—everyone has energy that flows through them called chi. in xing, we're taught to read that energy and feel it. mingyu does that at an extensive amount so she can sense everyone and everything around her. on a moving train, that doesn't settle on the ground, she can't focus her own energy."

the boys slowly nodded, following along with what he said. "well, we're almost there," edward reassured.

after another half-hour or so, the group arrived in central. the very center of amestris. in the commotion of everyone unloading their belongings and leaving the train, the twins managed to slip away from fu and lan fan once more.

edward stretched, letting out a whine. "oh, man. i'm beat."

"being spied on for hours will do that," alphonse muttered.

"mr. fu and lan fan were keeping eyes on them?" winry asked as the three of them stood together by the train.

"hey," a voice called. the trio looked up to see fu and lan fan atop the train, looking down at them in a crouched position. "where are the twins?"

the three of them looked around, before shrugging. "they're not here," alphonse answered.

"i don't know. maybe they ran off again?" winry suggested. lan fan and fu then went on to look for the twins, while the amestrian trio made their way through the city. the twins didn't get far though, they were still close by.

mingyu and ling stood atop the tallest roof of the train station. mingyu sat with their feet dangling off the edge, while ling stared at the building ahead of them in the distance, and finally felt the wrenching feeling his sister previously spoke of.

his raven hair being thrown around in the wind, his eyebrows knitted together and he spoke for the first time since they'd been on the roof. "'thousands of souls crying out in agony,' that's what you said, isn't it sister?" ling asked, his eyes still on the building ahead. the building was known as central command, and it sat at the very center of the entire country.

"yes," mingyu nodded, looking up at her brother.. "you feel it now too, don't you?"

"i do," he told her. "something doesn't feel right about this country."

"we're only here for one thing. don't get caught up trying to save a country that isn't yours to save, i know how you are," she warned him.

ling smiled lowly, "you're right. you can find out what they know about the philosopher's stone, can't you?"

SOMEBODY ELSE; e. elricWhere stories live. Discover now