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I believe that everything happens for a reason, and that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I try my best to live like I'll die tomorrow because some days I feel like I might.


My heart beat unbelievably fast when I woke from another nightmare. Tears streaked my face and my trembling body was sweaty.

It was always the same dream actually. My mom would be beating my little sister Rosie to death, and all I could so was watch. Someone had my arms and legs tied, and my head wasn't able to turn. My eyes felt glued open as I watched her scream for my help.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down before looking over at Rosie. She was still fast asleep. I was so thankful that she didn't have the nightmares I did.

Me and Rosie shared the same small room. On the left was my bed and a small dresser. On the right was her bed and a closet. The walls were a dirty cream color and the worn carpet was brown.

I quietly went to the bathroom across the hall and took a shower. Trying to shrub away my dream, I rubbed at my face, but I didn't work. I couldn't stop thinking about it. When the water turned cold, I got out and dressed. By the time I returned to our room to get a bag, Rosie was awake.

"Morning, sleepyhead." We didn't say 'goodmorning' in this house anymore. It was just 'morning'.

"Morning!" She replied with a smile. I swear, no matter what she went through, this girl always had a smile painted on her face.

She was already dressed so I asked, "You ready?"

She nodded and followed me out the door. We had to leave early for two reasons: 1- to avoid our mom and step dad and 2- we had to walk, so it took awhile.

I took her hand in mine as we began our long trek to school.


We arrived at Grenwood public school 15 minutes before the morning bell rang. I gave Rosie a kiss on the cheek before we parted ways. We went to a k-12 school, so the younger kids went to the west building and the high school kids went to the east.

Before going to my class I stopped by my locker to ditch my backpack. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I put in the combination. I had a new set of bruises from last night, and I forgot to bring a jacket.

"Hey, bitch face, nice face." Mark Jacobsen poked at a bruise on my cheek which made me flinch. 'Oh, that hurt? Sorry baby." He slapped me hard against my cheek which made every bystander laugh. I pushed past him, and gave him the finger as I walked away.

Mark Jacobsen was a jock, captain of the football team. He thought of himself as the best person in the school and his daydreams probably consisted of the student body throwing gold coins at his feet. I know, so clique, right? But the worst part was he was a bully. A total dick. At least to me. I hated his rich guts.

Rude comments were yelled at me as I climbed the stairs, but I tried my best to ignore them. Without realizing it though, a tear did slip down my cheek as I walked into math.
I slid into my usual seat in the back and pulled my unfinished homework out of the pocket.

'Maybe I could finish it before class starts.' I thought to myself as I pulled out the spare pencil I hide in a crevise under the desktop.

"Goodmorning, class." Mr.Thompson smiled to the class as he walked in. Looks like another unfinished assignment for me.


At lunch, I sat at my usual spot by the garbage cans. I took the soggy hot dog out of it's tin foil wrap and was planning on eating it- until I found a green spot on the side of it. I'm never eating a school hot dog again.

I threw it back on my tray and dumped it in the trash. I didn't even have to get up, just shift to the side a little.

Getting up from my seat, I walked to the back door. We were aloud to go outside at lunch, so I walked out and took in a breath of fresh air. It smelled better than inside, that's for sure.

Aways away on the blacktop, I saw Rosie jump roping with her friends. I smiled as she laughed and jumped. I'm glad she has friends and people who are there for her.

My smile quickly faded as a group of boys encircled me- Mark leading them.

"What are you smiling at?" Mark glared at me. "You don't deserve to smile!" He smacked me across the face. I could still feel the sting of his hand colliding with my face.

The other boys continued to taunt me as I stood there helpless. By the time they left me alone, tears were streaming down my face. I prayed that Rosie didn't see that.


After school, I grabbed my backpack and hurried to the other end of the school before Mark- or anyone else found me. When I spotted Rosie, I ushered her on and we walked home. After a while, I asked her about her day and what she learned, but for the most part we were silent. It was a comfortable silence though.

When we got home mom was passed out on the couch, beer bottles covered the floor. Albert, my step dad, wasn't home yet, so I rushed Rosie to our room. I tried to keep her as far away as possible from those two. I didn't want her getting hurt.




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