
21 1 0

As soon as I opened my eyes, the light streaming in through the window made my head hurt. I tried to close my eyes, but it was too late. My head was pounding.

I sat up in bed, despite how much my limbs were telling me to lay back down. There was still a warm spot on the bed where Rosie had been, so I knew she hadn't gotten up that long ago.

I limped out into the kitchen where Rosie was eating her breakfast. She was sitting Indian style on a chair pushed up to the table.

Her face was close to the bowl and she was shoving her cereal in quickly. She was rushing to finish. We were never out on the open much in this house.

When she saw me she gave me a small smile before returning to her breakfast. I ruffled her hair as I walked past her to the counter.

"Hey!" She gave me her beat angry face, which only made me laugh.

Her cheeks were slightly puffed out and her eyes were squinted.

"Your hair is already a birds nest anyway." I told her. She just nodded before once again continuing with her meal.

I continued to make myself some coffee. I think I would need at least one hundred cups this morning. I poured it into a mug and sat down across from Rosie at the table. She was just taking her last bite of cereal.

"Listen." I started and she jumped slightly and some milk splashed out of her bowl. It has been so deathly silent in the house that I didn't think she expected any noise. "Sorry... And sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have brought you into it. I know that must have been scary for you to see and-"

Before I could finish my apology, Rosie cut me off. "It's okay Oni. You don't need to apologize. Why would you? Have you met our parents, if you could even call them that? It wasn't scarier that anything else I've seen."

"Rosie, I'm going to get you out of here. I don't know when, but I am." I was on the verge of tears at this point and I didn't know how much longer I could take this conversation. I didn't want to cry in front of her, I was supposed to be the strong one.

Before I could say anything else Rosie got up and gave me a hug. She didn't say anything, just held me tight before letting me go.  But she didn't need to say anything thing. The hug said it all. After she let me go, she walked away leaving me alone with my thoughts.


Fifteen minutes later we both exited the house together. Thankfully neither our mom or Albert were awake yet, so we were able to get away without anything bad happening this morning. As we continued our long walk to school, it started to drizzle. Thunder boomed in the distance. I pulled Rosie's hood up over her head, so she didn't get wet. She gave me a small smile before continuing to watch her feet.

By the time we got to school it was raining harder, so I quickly sent Rosie off to her side of the school before rushing inside myself. I tried to keep my head low, so no one would see my bruises and cuts. As I was crossing the hallway to get to my first period, someone ran into me which made me fall to the ground. I landed on my back, which ached excruciatingly, and my books went flying. People sniggered, and glanced at me as I got onto my hands and knees, collecting my things. As I was picking up my last book, someone came up behind me and kneed me in my side. I let out a cry as my limbs fumbled underneath me. I had to focus on taking fast shallow breaths to get through the pain. Laughs erupted through the student body. By now there was a whole circle of cold, accusing eyes locked on me, waiting to see my next move. Or if someone else would come add to my misery.

Before anyone else had a chance to do anything else, I picked up my things and stood. I practically ran into math, just praying that Mark didn't show up. But he didn't. As I sat down in my usual spot in the back of the classroom, my body was still in pain like I haven't felt before. The horrors of the previous day flashed through my mind torturously. I tried to get them out, focus on other things, but I couldn't.

"I asked you a question, slut! Where the fuck are you going."

"Stupid whore!"


They haunted me for the rest of the day. The cuts on my wrists from where the ropes were tied and had dug into my skin. The icy chill of the water as it filled me up. I couldn't get away from it.


The seemingly endless day had finally ended, and I hurried out of the building as quick as possible. I was almost to the bench Rosie waited for me on outside her building when an arm spun me around. I turned, and what stood before me almost made me scream. It was Mark, a sinister smirk planted on his lips.

"Where the fuck are you going, stupid bitch?"

"None of your business." I tried to sound confident, but a tiny whisper was all that came out. I was more terrified than I had ever been in my entire life. If he gave me another beating like yesterday I was sure I wouldn't make it through alive.

He pushed me up against the wall of the school, his hands gripping my shirt, his face inches from mine. "You back talking me? Huh? You think you can get smart with me and get away with it?" I started to shake under his tight grip and emotionless stare. But then something flickered in his eyes I hadn't seen before.

Confusion. Surprise. A sudden softness filled his features, but it quickly disappeared and was replaced my anger. "What the hell are you doing to me?" He yelled, and I was suddenly confused. Doing to him? What did he mean?

He raised his fist, aiming it at my face. I braced myself for the sting of knuckles against skin, but it never came. Instead his hand faltered before falling to his side. His other arm let go of my shirt, dropping down as well. And a look of complete terror consumed him. "What the hell are you doing to me!" He screamed. And he backed up a few steps before taking off at full speed down the length of the school's lawn, then into the street.

I was in a daze as I reached Rosie. Still in one as I walked her home. What the hell had happened? Mark didn't hit me. He seemed scared. Confused. I didn't know what was happening. My mind was swimming with questions and thoughts.


That night, when I was sure Rosie was fast asleep, I snuck out the window and to Heaven.

The air was cool, relaxing. The breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, and the sound of crickets chirping eased my thoughts as I walked down the path. The moon was full and bright, along with the stars. Once I was quite a bit down the path, I lied down on the dewy grass and stared up at the sky.

I found the brightest star in the sky, and shut my eyes tight as a made a wish on it. "I wish my life would get better. I wish my life would change."


Hope you guys liked the chapter, and hold onto your hats because things are about to get real. Also do you like the new cover? And I added pictures on Oni, Rosie, and Mark in the first three chapter so go back and look at those if you want.


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