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I added some pictures of Rosie's birthday party for anyone who prefers a visual. They aren't exactly how I picture it, but they are the closet I could find.

The dew on the grass had woken me up. I opened my eyes to see Rosie still fast asleep next to me. I gently shook her awake. "Rosie? Get up." Her eyes flicked open, but then she flipped over and mumbled a reply before falling back asleep.

I shook her again. "Rosie we have to get up for school." She completely ignored me this time, so I thought for a moment. What would get her up? Then I remembered that today was her birthday.

"Rosie." I shook her gently. "Rosie, guess who's birthday it is today?" She opened her eyes slightly, thinking about it, and then it hit her and she shot straight up. "It's my birthday!" She exclaimed.

I gave her the biggest smile I could muster, and pulled her into a hug. "Happy Birthday! How old are you now? 16?"

"No." She giggled. "Only eight."


Once we reached the school I gave her one last hug before sending her inside. Just like yesterday, I made my way back to the street instead of to the east building. I was determined to make Rosie's surprise party to be amazing, and I needed all the time I could get to set everything up.

Earlier in the morning when Rosie had been busy getting ready I had pulled the bags of decorations out from underneath my bed and stuffed them into my backpack. So now, instead of going back home, I made my way to the park.

It was a mild day outside. The sun was shining, and the cloudless sky was a brilliant shade of blue. The lack of wind also made it a perfect day for a party.

First I set up a long fold out table I had bought yesterday, and had hidden behind a tree in the park. Then I placed a table cloth over the table. It was white with a purple pattern around the edges. I added the balloons, presents, and other small details to the table, and I was done. When I checked the time, I still had another hour before Rosie was out of school, but I decided to head over to the school anyway.

I waited on the bench outside of Rosie's building for the remainder of the hour, thinking about everything that there was so think about. I was still so confused about what had happened with Mark and I. We kissed. And it was amazing, but it was with Mark. Could I really start to be falling for this man I once thought was cold and heartless. Suddenly I started to feel like running away from here. Instead of facing my problems, I just wanted to leave this town. Leave this state. And not look back. Maybe I could take Rosie with me, and we could start a new life together in some amazing city.

My thoughts were interrupted by the end of the day bell, and students started to pour out of the building, rushing past me to wherever is was they were headed. When Rosie saw me a smile erupted on her face. She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "You're early." She said happily.

"Sure am. How could I make you sit here waiting for me on your birthday?" I replied, and grabbed her hand, leading her away from the schoolyard. "Now come on, I have a surprise for you!"

Her smile got even bigger. She wasn't expecting any sort of gift or surprise; we never got a lot of those in our family. "A surprise? Really? For me?"

Her genuine shock at this just made me feel even happier to be doing this for her. She had been there for me just as much as I've been there to comfort her, and she deserved this more than anyone I know.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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