Chapter 10

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Arianna looked up at George had saw the huge smile on her face which made her smile even more.

"I can't believe it's a boy!" Arianna said. George kissed her on the forehead. This was the only good thing going on in both of their lifes. Things have changed at Hogwarts, there were deatheaters as teachers. Many students were being punished for ridiculous. Punishments were very cruel, including Cruicious Curses.

"I'g glad you too are happy. I have to go now so you too can head to your dormitories," Pomfrey said.

"Thank you , Madame," George said.

"Your welcome. Good night," She said.

Both Arianna and George left. As they were leaving they noticed the worried look on Madame Pomfrey's face.

"I wonder what the problem was with her and Snape," said Ari.

"I think it has to do with the Cruicious Curse. I heard earlier this week that they were running low on ingredients for the healing procedure and Pomfrey wants to stop the teachers from that cruel punishment. Don't worry about that though. We have more important things like our baby," George comforted her.

On their way back to their dormitories, a deatheater stopped them in the hallway and questioned them.

"Er... what are you doing out in these corridors. Get to your dormitories before I tell Snape," he pointed his wand at him. He was very tall and had a huge scar in the middle of his face.

"Yes, Sir," Arianna said a bit terrified.

He gave them a disgusting look and moaned as they paced away.

"All these deatheaters are really freaking me out, George."

They were freaking him out as well but he didn't want her to know that. So he just out on a brave face and said, "It will be okay..."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The next day>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The next day Snape had announced that all students were to be staying in the Room of Requirements again. They had stopped staying in there so the death eaters had a place for meetings and other dark arts stuff. Now they are meeting in the Malfoy Manor. The room of requirements had been full of beds and hammocks again. Once everyone was situated with their trunks and other personal belongings they were to head to class.

Arianna arrived in Muggle Studies, but instead of her regular teacher, Professor Burbage there was a deatheater by the name of Rookwood. He said that Burbage had been captured and taken to Malfoy Manor were she would be murdered. Once he had stated this the whole class(except for the Slytherins)gasped in horror. The Slytherins just laughed.

"Your assignment is to write a 5-page essay about why Muggleborns are a disgrace to the Wizard world. It is due tomorrow so hurry it up!" He had an angered look on his face as he sat down in his chair. Just as he sat down, Neville Longbottom, one of Arianna's good friends, stood up.

"Sir, I don;t belive Muggleborns are that bad. I have many friends that our Muggleborns and they" Rookwood interuppted him, "Longbottom, is this your class? I see that it is not. You will listen to me and you will obey me! Understood?"

"But sir"

"Does anyone else agree with Longbottom?"

Arianna knew that she should stand up for her beliefs. She was in the DA and she had to do what any leader would do.

"Neville is right," she said along with another member of the DA in Hufflepuff.

"I see, you 3 come up here by me!" Rookwood said.

He preformed the Crucious Curse on all three of them. You could see how horrified they were, mostly Arianna. Madame Pomfrey busted into the room and yelled at the deatheater,"How many curses can you preform in 1 day! I have had enough of this!"

She took Arianna, Neville,and the Hufflepuff into the hospital wing and treated them as best as she could, trying to save some of the ingredient because they were running low.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>a day later>>>>>>>>>>>

Arianna woke to see that George was holding her hand and on the other side of her Leah and Lily. "George, What happened?"

"Well umm a deatheater preformed the cruicous curse on you..."

"Ohhh, I remeber... I was trying to help Neville defend Muggleborns..."

"Ari, You need to remember you are pregnant and you have to be careful! Please I don't want you or the baby to get hurt" he kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm sorry I just thought since I am in the DA I should help."

"It's okay. Just be careful. I love you"

"I love you too," She said as he headed off to his dormitory.

Arianna turned around and saw Lily and Leah. "Hey guys, where is Maddy?" she said curiously.

"Ummm well she is with Draco" said Leah

"And well Draco is at his Manor with the rest of the Deatheaters. Rumor has it Voldermort is there as well" said Lily "shes not coming back... she is engaged and pregnant with Draco"

Arianna became very worried then angered. "How could she with all that's going on here! I thought she was our friend"

"What did you expect. She has been acting differently lately. Me and Lily have been thinking that she might have become a... Deatheater." Leah said

"What!" Arianna said very angrily.

"I know.. well we brought you this cake and some movies to watch to get your mind off things. Trust me Arianna it will be okay," said Lily

They stayed the rest of the night at the hospital with Arianna, trying to make her feel better.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>next day>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Arianna had woken up and her friends left. Before she could get up, Harry ran in to the hospital. He had dark circles under his eyes and it looked as though he hadn't shaved in a while. He was also were a strange green locket around his neck. Arianna was very confused as to why he was at Hogwarts and secondly why he was with her.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? You are supposed to be hunting horocruxes and getting ready for the war!"

"I had to see you for a minute. Ron told me you were pregnant. Is our baby a boy or a girl?"

"OUR BABY?This is George's baby! What is your problem? Why are you acting like this?"


"Yes of course George, we are in love! Why on earth do you think this is your baby"

"Well because it is" he said trying to kiss her oh the cheek. She slapped him and said "The war is coming you have no business here and never talk to me again not after what you did"

"I will go only because I have to but I will come back to help raise our baby"

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