3: Union

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Warning: mild sexual content

Twin shallow, ragged, breaths sound quietly in a darkly lit cave. Only a small torch lit by dragonflame sheds some light in a corner from inside the cave.

Sounds of flesh hitting against flesh and lips sucking lips echo throughout the narrow passage.

Both man and woman let out moans of pleasure signalling their climax. The woman collapses into her lover, tired from all the exertions.

Moments later, they pick up their clothes and begin covering their nakedness.

"We should stop doing this." The man says.

"Stop what? Flying together?" The woman replies, obviously playing coy with her lover.

The man chuckles, "I am to be wed soon. Our carefree days will be over."

At eight-and-ten, Lyserion Cikrai is no longer a boy, yet hardly a man. At least, he doesn't consider himself as such until he sires his own dragonsblood.

"Lyselys has no love for you. She abhors our practice of wedding siblings to each other. She hates our entire culture. She hates her identity." The woman replies with a grin.

Lyserion pulls the woman towards him until their faces were only separated by an inch.

"She just spends too much time with that slave who worships 7 gods. She'll come around, eventually. She's Valyrian."

"And if she does not?"

"I should propose we join our houses."

The two break into a grin. Despite knowing its impossibility, they never fail to jest about it.

"And share power? House Druigael would never hear of it. My father does not fancy sharing his powers. And your sister? She has eyes for another." Velmerra says.

"I am aware of your father's nature yet what is this infatuation you speak of my sister?"

"Lyselys fancies the eldest son of Dragonlord Xioros."

"That fool? How could she fancy someone beneath her station? She could do better than that low ranked Dragonlord."

Velmerra untangles herself from Lyserion.

"Is that it? You see me as a means to climb in rank?"

Lyserion wraps his arms around Velmerra once more.

"You take offense so easily my love. You know that is nigh impossible."

"But did it prevent you from trying to slither your way into my undergarments."

Lyserion sighs, "I told you once and I'm telling you again. My heart and my member--don't laugh--belong to you alone. I love you, Velmerra. Even if our traditions say otherwise; and even if our traditions permit it, would it be so bad for me to marry into your family so you can have your way with me every time you please? I would gladly follow the matrilineal line if it meant I could spend the sunset of my life with you."

"Your words are honeyed only because we cannot. I like you enough, Lyserion. But it is as you said, we cannot live our lives carefreely any longer."

"We had that conversation before many times over. It is an inside jest between us. Do you mean to take what I said seriously this time?"

"I should like to prolong this tryst in any way we can but we cannot risk the wrath of our families should we be discovered."

"If they should, then let us fly on dragonback and find our own nest where we can be together."

Velmerra does not respond to the suggestion.

"Let us be on our way. Lest they notice our absence."

The two emerge from the cave only to find another Valyrian standing in front of them.

"I figured I'd find you here." Lyselys Cekrai greets the lovers.

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