5: Birth and Bond

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Melkar Luheri was glad to finally be out of that dank room. For a fortnight, she had been in charge of the preparations for the hatching ceremony. It was her duty as Maegi of House Luheri to choose the most suitable egg for the newest addition to their house. Her father specifically instructed her to choose the strongest egg from the clutch to bond with the soon-to-be born babe. Through spells and divinations, they have determined that the babe would be a boy and her father was happiest man there was.

Soon as her mother began to undergo labor, the servants were quick to gather and guard the delivery of the presumed baby boy. Once delivered, they wasted no time in gathering the babe's blood in a small basin and having it delivered to Melkar.

Bloodmagic. It was the darkest of arts yet the most wondrous and powerful weapon of their race. It hatched dragons and bonded the Valyrians to any dragon of their choosing in a heartbeat.

Melkar was careful in handling the young hatchling. Just as fowls are wet when hatched, the opposite is true for dragons. They remain hot and handling them carelessly would result in severe burns. Their bodies burn like molten lava until it cools on its own. Many have tried to speed up the process by pouring water on the hatchling but it all this did not end well. They either lost a limb or two or the dragon itself would be set with the cold until they die within a night or so. None ever recovered.

The vast door to the nursery opened with the help of two guards. Melkar ensured that the chamber was adequately heated and was  spacious enough. After all, growing dragons need a lot of space to grow properly.

Having been fed well, the newly-hatched became obedient enough to settle in its new nest. As soon as the beast became comfortable, Melkar closed the door and left.

On the morrow, the young hatchling shall meet its newborn master.

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