Chapter two

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Chapter two

Ahmya was absolutely no calm. She hadn't seen her family from quite lot of time... maybe four, or five years, from the graduation day. She was nervous and she hoped she would have to exchange the least words possible. The only people that is happy to see are the granny and her sister, and be here, in front od her sister house, is absolutely strange.

She tortured the edge of the sleeves of her hoody with her black sharp nails. She takes some breaths and for a moment had the temptation to run away back home, in her own apartment, divided by her underground hero work and her friends.

"You finally arrived! MYAAAA"

Her sister was surely tired from the look of her face and the bag under her eyes. Ahmya runs and hugged her and despite, she had seen her on videocalls several times, she misses her little sister.

"Aizawa! You don't have to be so detached, come here, lets go inside" Emi said

Aizawa was in sort of a tranche. Surely the only thing that he most want was sleeping and avoid all the interaction with any human being 'apart from Mya'. He erased that thought and make a move with the head in response. Mya was looking at him with a worried look and the shadows were on the alert, as seemed during patrols.

"So, hope the road in car was peaceful, you must be really tired. I already said to Mama that you won't join us until tomorrow, because you had some firm commitment at work, so nobody, except me, Tuy and granny Airi know you two arrived. The bedroom is already ready and it is upstairs. See you in a little!"

"Thanks Emi, it is really thoughtful of you. The said something about our no joining tonight?" Ahmya seemed calm.

"You know how they are... the only thing that they said was a snort and 'As long as she doesn't use that hell of her quirk, it is so of fine'... I tred o give a look to see if she can be a little less hateful, but also dad give me a bad look, so you know how can they be"

Ahmya just nod and roll her eyes. She wasn't even arrived and yet to give some order and to despise her. "Thanks, no worries... can you give us some time, just to change clothes and have a refresh."

"I remember that in her family, there were some sort of problems, but from how you talk, they seemed so dry and full of hate..."

"'Zawa, You know that I don't want pity... It is only that I thought that some time without seeing me, could have smoothened out some contrast, but from what a heard, of course not... now I just really need to have a shower, feel free to be at your home..."

Aizawa watched her go inside the bathroom and left a sigh, it was so tired that hadn't noticed that there wase only a king size bed inside the small room. He tosses his capture weapon on the small night table and pass an hand over his face, after putting some artificial tears. 'Only one bed... better take the sofa or the floor, it could be embarrassing for me tomorrow morning'.

At the same time, Ahmya sighed. She was tired and in some was weird relieved at the thought that she didn't have to see them also tonight. She sunk in the bathtube and tried to relax. The shadows were trying to embrace her and keep comfort. It was like an extended part of herself and she remembered the first day she discovered her quirk.

Sixteen years ago

Ahmya was playing with her little sister Emi. They were happy and, despite Emi was only four, she was so much more talkative than her. Ahmya noted that a little edge of er shadow, was trying catch her fingers and touch them. She was enthusiastic and tried to control her to catch the ball a few meters from her.

Her granny, Airi, watched her with a smile on her face: she already knew that her quirk would have been inherited by the little Ahmya, and she only hoped that nobody fears her because of that.

"You know what it is?"

"It is magiiic nanny"

Airi smile an laugh at her "Yeah honey, and nobody can be take from you that or tell you that it is horrible, understand little Mya?"
Ahmya nodded with a serious look on her face "But why that could be horrible? I can no longer fear the big black monster! I'm grown up!"

Little did she know that, among all the people that will fear her quirk, there would have been also her parents. The ones that she cared the most, together with her sister and nanny, they hated her. She clearly remembered the disgusted face that her mother have when she handle to her the toy to make her see her newly quirk. She remembered also the only words she said, under the angry and disgusted face on the dad's face. "You are no longer our daughter. If you want to live here, you must not use that abnormality or thinking about using it." She was stunne and hurt and doesn't understod all of this but made a small nod.

Years passed and, at the age of fourteen, she decided tha she would go to UA academy, here she could use her quirk without problems and disgusted faces around her. She didn't even ask her parents, she took a train and went to her granny's house, in search of understanding and love.

Even if she could conrol her quirk, living with someone which has the same quirk as her (even in minor intensity), it was very useful, expecially for embracng the hadows as her friends and a part of her. This time helped her to pass the entry exam of UA, and join the Hero course. sure was difficul, but managed to enter in the first ten position and she though that this could be her place in the world.

She gets up from the bathtube and begins to friction her hair, looking at the mirror. The bag under her eyes seemed less pronounced and she feels relieved. 'Fuck! We only have one bed! I bet this is caused all by Emi.' She continues cursing while drying her hair, she was sure that was all Emi fault and that waas just a plan to help her to face the reality and reasoning about her feelings toward Aizawa. She run out of the bathroom with only a big tshirt on. She hoped that Aizawa was fell asleep, so she can search something to wear for the night, but of course the fate and the lucky was not for her.

Aizawa blushed and said nothing watching her run outside the bathroom, with only a black t shirt that was arrived only at her hips.

"I think I should take the sofa" "There is no sofa".

They looked at each other and than she nodded. "Or... we can sleep in this bed together, it is big enough, more comfy than a sofa or the floor could be... You need sleep Shota" She suggested as she didn't realized she used his first name, maybe was the tiredness, maybe she wanted that.

Aizawa nodded and take a side and looked at her, now with a pair of short from a pajama. "I think that I... I will go to the bathroom" and then he goes.

'It will be a long night, I hope this won't be so much embarrassing also tomorrow morning.' He thinks as he takes a short shower and put on his black tshirt and the sweatpants. He run a hand across his black hair, trying to detangle them for the drying. Once he went outside, he looks at Ahmya, finding her so calm and relaxed when asleep. He places a light kiss on her head (he simply doesn't know why. But he needed to do it) and tucked in the blanket.

In that single moment, the epiphany and the realization hit him. He was going to go crazy and, although he thinks that love is not rational and for heroes like them can be dangerous, he senses that he needed to tell her, hoping for the best and hoping that Mic and Nemuri were right.

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