WHAT IF...? Luz noceda was force sensitive part 1

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Luz and her mom sat down in the principals office. He told her mom about luzs behavior and her experiments that she does during classes.

Principal: litlsten ms. Noceda, luz is a good student but these experiments and magic stuff need to stop, we keep getting complaints from teachers about them.

Camila: I'm so sorry. Luz what did I tell you about doing your experiments in school?

Luz: but it's fun, it raises spirit.

Camila: but it results in you having no friends miha. I don't want you to grow up alone.

Principal: well there is this summer camp that we can recommend to you. It can help her refrain from her little fantasies.

The principal hand Camila the brochure for the camp.

Camila: ok, I'll look into it, thank you for your time.

That night

Luz woke up in a palace like room, there were soldiers shooting guns everywhere, Luz then sees a group of kids running only to be cornered by a man in black robes, his eyes blood read, he proceeds to stab the kids to death while the soldiers kept shooting everyone in their path. The man then looked over at Luz, making eye contact for a second before going black.

Luz then wakes up in her room, thankful that it was just a dream. She took a sip of water from her bedside table and went back to sleep.

The next morning

Luz had her bag over her shoulder as she waited outside her house for the bus.

Camila: I know you may be upset Luz, but this camp is for your own good.

Luz: I know, but this is who I am, I like animating anime clips and reading comics.

Camila: don't worry miha you'll be back in no time

Camila looks at her phone and realizes she's late for work. She kisses Luz on the cheek and runs inside to get her keys.

Luz looks at her good witch azura book and throws it in the trash can. She then hears something rattling inside of it. A little owl pops out and runs away with her good with azura book. Luz runs after it. It eventually leads her to an abandoned house where it goes through a portal. The portal closes before Luz can go through it.

All of a sudden, the ground starts shaking and Luz runs to her house to see a ship land on her front lawn.

Camila runs out of the house in shock.

The door the ship opens and two men walk out. One has long braided hair with brown robes while the other is much younger and has short hair with one single braid.

They walk up to Luz and her mom and introduce themselves.

???: greetings, Camila, and you must be Luz.

Luz nodded yes

???: I am qui gon Jinn, and this is my apprentice, obi wan kenobi.

Qui gon: we come from a galaxy far far away. We need you to come with us. We do not mean any harm.

Camila reluctantly agreed and she and Luz went aboard the ship. The ship took off and into space.

The ship then went into hyperspace. After about three minutes they landed on a planet and on the grounds of a large temple.

Luz looked at her phone and the year changed from 2018 to 32 BBY.

Luz and Camila stepped out of the ship, there were ships flying everywhere.

They walked inside the temple, it was a beautiful site with colors and sculptures everywhere.

Luz: so, who are you people anyway?

Qui gon: we are jedi, protectors and peace keepers of the galaxy. We have been around for centuries.

Luz: interesting, so how come I've never heard of you?

Qui gon: we live in a galaxy different from yours.

They brought luz into a room where we're people in robes. The one in the middle stood out the most as he wasn't a human but rather a weird looking green frog man.

The door closed behind them, Camila waited outside with obi wan.

Qui gon: Luz, this is grandmaster yoda, the wisest jedi of them all.

Yoda: greetings Luz. A great deal about you I've heard.

Qui gon: master, I sense that the force js stro g with this one.

Yoda closed his eyes and raised his arm up as if he was meditating.

Yoda: I sense it too. Luz, question, may I ask?

Luz: fire away

Yoda: what do you feel like is the most important part of the future, what js it that you should look forward too?

Luz: I feel that adventure is the most important part of the future. You should always have a high spirit and seek adventure.

Yoda: that's enough for now leave the room. Decision we mist make.

Out of all the jedi in the room, master mace windu seemed the most fascinated with the young child. He had just got done comparing her feelings with the feelings if young anakin who was brought in earlier.

Yoda: Luz is too old, but, a pure heart she has. No darkness just light.

Mace windu: I agree, she's far better of a candidate than anakin. She may be the true chosen one.

Yoda allowed qui gon and Luz back into the room.

Yoda: the council has made a decision. The girl will be trained under the watchful eye of jedi master mace windu.

Qui gon: but what about anakin, if she can be trained, why can't he?

Yoda: the darkside we sense in him. His fear of loss could corrupt him. The girl has no such feelings.

Qui gon: understood.

Luz walks out of the room with qui gon, the door closing behind them.

Qui gon: Camila, the jedi has agreed to train your daughter in the ways of the jedi. If you wish to go home with your daughter, you can.

Camila: I'll agree, but on one condition, promise me, Luz will be safe.

Qui gon: here at the temple, she'll be safer than anywhere in the galaxy.

Camila: then, I'll let her stay and train.

Luz was overjoyed with excitement.

Luz: you mean it?

Camila: sure, what harm could it do.

Mace walks out of the room and introduces himself to Luz as her trainer.

Camila boards the ship with obi wan and qui gon, to taker her home.

After saying there goodbyes. Mace starts walking Luz to her room. After a long elevator ride, they walk down the quiet hallway towards her new room.

Mace: sleep tight, training begins tomorrow.

The chancellor's office.

Palpatine: general grievous, I have some news. It appears that the so called chosen one has been found and begins training tomorrow. Execute her as soon as possible.

General grievous: it will be done my lord.

End of part one, part 2 coming soon. . .

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