Lightsword (Dawn/Foluke)

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Basile and Gira were searching for clubs to join before they would join soccer when a taller male with a similar face but a sharper chin and taller, thinner body frame layed eyes on them.

Basile? Wait, isn't, hey isn't that your cousin, tapping him on the shoulder.

The male looked up and brushed the guy aside, who grabbed him.

"Look, I'm here to make amends. I'm not with Primal anymore."

Basile pointed to his scar, and that was all he needed to say.

"Wait," pulling out his phone. "Can you help me find this person? She's also a victim of Primal, and I want to do something about that. I won't let them cause another tragedy."

Gira grabbed his phone. She's cute. Maybe try, the upper floor rooms for her. It's our first year here.

" Basile, give your aunt and uncle a call later. They miss you. And you, Miss?"

Gira Selene, his, um, we're figuring it out.

"Foluke Johnson. Thank you for looking out for my brother."

Foluke searched until he found a woman reading a Star Wars novel and working on a staff device while no one else was in the room. The sign up sheet barely had any names on it.

"Um, hi."

The young woman jumped out of her chair and flung the staff in the air, which released a sword shaped beam of light standing above it. The two jumped up and grabbed the hilt at the same time before it could damage anything.

"That was a relief," looking inside. "Did you power this with tasers?"

The young lady had fair skin with a slight tan, double checking her martial arts gi for any signs of damage. "You could say that. Sorry, you startled me. You're new here?"

"Transferred. My cousin goes here and I wanted to keep a close eye on him. You're Dawn, right?"

She blinked. "You know who I am," asking while taking a second to admire his firm grasp.

"I spoke with your relative about my role," lowering his eyes to the ground, "with Primal."

"Oh." He let his hands go while she deactivated the staff's blade, not as contempt anymore.

"I get that reaction a lot. But I want to make things right."

She gave him a quick glance. "Do you know who started the fire and the shoot out?"

"Someone hired the heads to do it. As for the shooting, I'm still trying to figure that out."

She sighed. "Why would you join a group like that in the first place?"

"A dumb kid not even in middle school who wanted protection from the people who hurt him and his little cousin doesn't think about the consequences at the time. But," shedding a tear, "that doesn't mean I should've stayed back and watched what they did. Or who they took from you," sighing, "and me."

He bowed to the floor with tears rolling down her eyes. "Please, forgive me."

Dawn Renee pulled his chin up, wiping away the tears. "Thanks. But I can't blame you for something you didn't do."

"You don't?"

She nodded. "Revenge isn't something I can just associate with everyone. The system, I can fault. But Primal's taken victims from different facets of this town. And when I see the faces of people I grew up with that had to deal with that," spotting Lilly and Jalecki, Olivia and Reiji, Basile and Gira, Menma, and Ingrid, "I just don't want the cycle to repeat."

"Same. That's why I want your help to take them down."

"Time out," pointing to herself. "Does Uncle Lucas know about this?"

"He asked me to keep an eye on you while I was here, he never said anything about us doing our own investigation."

"Perfect," slipping her makeshift saber out of her hands he barely caught.

"Did it ever dawn on you that using that might be a bit dangerous to use?"

"No. Feel it."

He gulped, lightly poking it to receive a light vibration. "Huh, pretty calming."

"Good," smiling. A roach was crawling up on them. She picked it up, changed the setting of her staff, and tased it to bits with one swing.

"Whoa." Then the staff short-circuited.


"Can you fix it? It's a pretty cool lightsword."

"Sure, but I'd have to sneak into, um, scavenge the junkyard and thrash heap for supplies."

"Did you just say," only for her to pull him close to her body and wrapping around his waist as Principal Vival and Ms. James walked into the room.

"Are we interrupting?"

"Um, for the science club, we're investigating the emotional stimulus between physical attraction," pulling out a device from her pocket. "Care to try it?"

"Well I don't know if that's ethical but-"

"Why not," Ms. James argued, glomping on him. "Go for it."

Dawn tried it, impressed. "It's about seventy percent. It almost never get that high."

The new teacher hid her excitement while Vival found intrigue and his words developed a small crowd.

"Did you have that planned," Foluke whispered.

"Yeah," seeing the device analyzing the two of their attraction rate, causing her to brush her hair.

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