chapter 2

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The trio wondered around the forest leading to out of the dark zone and into the fantasy woods "what...where are we?" Mara said looking disgusted as Orpheus and Matilda looked around exploring, a fairy peeked out and saw the trio, the fairy flew over to them as they all looked confused, "AH A FAIRY THEY ARE GONNA KILL US ALL" Orpheus screamed from fear and hid behind Mara, "oh Orpheus you are being too dramatic" Mara said as Matilda stepped forward and faced the little fairy "who are you?" she asked "I am Ali and I'm a fairy" they waved and Matilda waved back "you guys don't look from here, where are you from?" they asked "oh we are from the dark zone" Orpheus replied to them, Ali looked scared and flew away as quick as possible "oh well bye?" Matilda said as Orpheus waved "ugh how rude" Mara said looking at the sky annoyed.
A weird noise suddenly appeared and the three flinched and then the noise appeared appeared again but it sounded much closer Mara hugged Orpheus tight as he blushed and Matilda heard Orpheus's stomach, Orpheus felt something strange and then realized that it's his stomach "oh excuse me" He said Matilda started laughing as Mara looked embarrassed and backed away quick "o-ok let's just go find food" Mara said changing the subject and walking away, Orpheus slightly smiled and blushed walking after her and Matilda smirked, the three walked around for a few days

A few days past...
the three appeared in a village of mushrooms they all looked hurt and tired, Alice noticed them and rushed over to them along with her wife Scarlett "hello kids...are- you ok? Where are your parents?" Alice asked "I'm Matilda and..." before she could even finished her sentence she fainted as Alice and her wife Scarlett picked them up and took them to their house.
The girls walked in and puts the trio in a bed covering them up, Alice looked worried "are- are they ok? Are they gonna wake up?" She asked, Scarlett checked them "they are fine, my love, let them rest" she said with a warm smile as holding Alice's hand. The kids woke up and Orpheus flinched "WHO ARE YOU-" he asked terrified, "no no no don't be frightened child, we both saved you, I am Scarlett by the way and this is Alice" she said and Alice waved "what are your names and where are you from?" Alice asked, "I am Matilda and these are are my friends, Mara and Orpheus, w-we are from the dark zone" she said, Alice and Scarlett gasped and looked at each other with a worried face, Matilda noticed their faces and told her friends to get up, "what where are you going?" Scarlett said
"Leaving both of you alone" Mara said looking down, Scarlett held ORPHEUS'S hand and stopped them "you are not leaving until you get better" she smiled softly as Matilda looked her in the eyes and smiled. Scarlett showed them their room and walked away, "are you sure it's a good idea love?" Alice asked "yes I am sure" Scarlett replied smiling , Alice smiled and held Scarlett's hand "you are too nice" she kissed her, Scarlett blushed and kissed her back, they both blushed and smiled at each other "gosh I love you" Alice said with a big smile, Scarlett giggled "I know, but now let's get some rest, we need enough sleep to help the kids" She said and Alice nodded, they fell asleep.

Meanwhile in the kids room...
"I don't know why but I feel bad, they are stuck with us" Orpheus said looking down, "don't worry once we are good we will leave them alone" Mara replied but Matilda just sat on one of the bed thinking, Orpheus hugged Mara tight as she blushed and hugged him back, Matilda noticed them and took a picture of that "I'll leave it to when you will get married" she said with smug look on her face, Mara and Orpheus turned red "le-let's just go to sleep" he said, the all went to their beds

The next day, they all woke up "morning my gay friends" Matilda said looked at them with a smirk "Wha- what why are smirking" Mara asked and slowly realized, Mara punched Matilda's arm hardly and Orpheus stood there confused, Scarlett knocked on the door and opened it, "good morning kids go eat breakfast and we are all going out" she gave them capes as she walked out.
After breakfast, they all got ready to head out but then a door opened and a boy got in, Alice and Scarlett ran over to him and hugged him tight "hi mum hi momma" the boy said "Christian!!!!!" Alice and Scarlett shouted with happy tears in their eyes as the trio looked very confused "uh- excuse me, miss Alice and miss Scarlett, who the fuck is that? AND WHY DOES HE HAVE A GAURD SYMBOL" Matilda asked as Mara and Orpheus stood behind her scared, Christian looked at them with a suspicious look, "I am pretty sure I have seen you somewhere but no idea where..." he said getting closer to Matilda's face, she sweated a lot "uh- no you don't, w-we are new here- heh.." she said very nervous, "okay?" He replied.
A few days past and they all got to know each other better, Christian got closer to Matilda and started to develop feelings for her, meanwhile Matilda was seeing him as a very good friend.

One day they all went out to get some groceries, but then Mara noticed the guards and grabbed Matilda and Orpheus aside "guys they are here" she said "wha- what?!" Orpheus said, "ok ok relax, we are safe here don't worry about a thing the guards just whatever you do not freak out and keep a low profile" Matilda said looking at them, they pulled the cape up covering their faces, they all went back and minded their business Christian noticed their suspicious behavior and asked "you guys ok? Why are you acting so weird", "it's fine we're fine" Matilda said buying everything they needed, the guards noticed them all and looked at them with a suspicious look as they all walked out fast
On their way home Christian noticed a wanted poster and looked at them while the 3 talked to each, he then realized they are the ones he and the royalty has been looking for, he walked away with the three
When they came home Orpheus told Alice and Scarlett about what happened as Christian went to a room and locked himself talking with someone, "I found them my lord" he said, "who? The criminals?" The guardian Charles said, "yes sir." Christian replied, "oh great! I will send some guards and probably Amara my sister's right hand, and for you kiddo, go have fun with ya moms" Charles said, Christian nodded.
Matilda and Christian talked and she noticed him blushing, "dude why are you blushing?" She asked, Christian panicked and did not answer as she began to realize what is happening, he gathered up the courage and said "Matilda... I- I have a crush on you and I hope you feel the same,you can respond the way you want now", Matilda looked at him and then looked down "sorry dude, I prefer we'd stay friends, I don't like you that way, and I see you as a brother" Christian looked hurt by her words as he walked away sad.

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