Chapter 4

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Matilda ran around for a week or two thinking, "should I go back to them? NO! You will hurt get hurt.. UGH..." she sat down hugging her legs "I am sorry guys.. I am so sorry..." she continued to walk until she got to the entrance of the village and hesitated "come on Mati, you can do it..." she was about to run away but then she walked in regretting it.
She appeared at their door and knocked, Alice opened up and gasped in disbelief "Hi Al" Matilda said, Alice hugged her tight "Hun! Come see!" Called as Scarlett ran to the door almost tripping, "IM HERE IM OK WHO DIE-" she saw Matilda and her eyes filled up in tears "MATILDA" the three hugged and cried, Alice and Scarlett took Matilda inside to talk. "So what happened?" Alice asked, "I don't know much, I passed out half of the time but I did saw people stepping over to me and I-I saw Mara and Orpheus in pain.. I couldn't save them... I think they are dead..." she said as tears fell down her face, Alice and Scarlett looked worried and hugged her with tearful eyes

Meanwhile at the castle...
Some guards in the castle gave injections in Orpheus and Mara's brains to control them, the two screamed in pain "AH-" Orpheus and Mara screamed in pain as tears fell down their face "MAKE IT STOP" Mara yelled in pain, Amara looked from the side a bit sad and worried, but then they stopped screaming and and the pain didn't stop, Orpheus and Mara stood straight looking down, they slowly looked up and their eyes were red, "kids?" Amara asked shaking voice, "yes miss Amara." They said standing like soldiers.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into month while Mara and Orpheus trained to capture Matilda meanwhile Matilda lost hope of them being alive, Alice and Scarlett were worried about Matilda and themselves, so one night...
Matilda was asleep and Scarlett and Alice talked, "hun, I think I should go and help Mati get Mara and Orpheus" Scarlett said, "hun, I love you but ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! You can get killed! We will both be dead by Christian! I don't want this to happen..." Alice replied scared, "Listen it may sound scary, but I promise you if anything happens I will try my best to stand up and not give up because I wanna stay with you" Scarlett said trying to smile, she put her hand on Alice's face, Alice almost breaking down into tears and kissed her hand and said "but what if you'll get hurt, OR WORSE...". "Al, I promise you I won't get hurt, and also I wanna protect my beautiful wife!" Alice looked at Scarlett and said "then I am coming with you.." "you sure?" Scarlett asked, she gave Scarlett a long kiss as they both blushed "I am sure." Alice replied. Scarlett had a Major gay panic and Alice giggled seeing her red "o-okay let's just go to sleep" Scarlett said and hugged Alice to go to sleep

In the morning Matilda woke up, went to thee kitchen to grab a drink. She went to the living room and found both Alice and Scarlett working out and asked "uh- what are you guys doing". "Working out" they both said, "why?" Matilda asked confused "I mean you both are in great shapes-" she added, "that's because we are coming to help you free Orpheus and Mara, and thank you" Scarlett replied, "YOU WHAT-" Matilda spit out the drink she was drinking and asked "no no no no, you two ain't doing that. You two need to stay alive" she added. They both stopped exercising "we are coming end of discussion." Alice declared. "We get it you are a wanted criminal and all but we won't let you die, so don't fight two grown lesbians, or your ass will be kicked" Scarlett added Matilda just stood there nodding "now let's get ready for the big fight." Scarlett said. "Come on let's go to a Restaurant first" Matilda said and they all went away

"Kids!" Amara yelled "in two days we are going to capture her, they will wet themselves with blood." she added Mara and Orpheus nodded "you are free" she said and the kids walked away. She Listen to some songs and walked to her room.
In her room and locked the door "in two days is the day"she said and sat on her bed thinking about her work, she checked to see if anyone's there and took out a notebook that was some wrote stuff in it, suddenly she heard someone knocking at the door and she flinched and hid her notebook under her pillow "c-come in!" She said and Regan walked in "hey Am" she said and waved with a smile shrinking to Amara's height "hello ma'am, How are you, and do you need anything" Amara asked "I don't need anything and you know you can call me Regan" she said "also can't I hang out with one of the best and smartest people in the whole castle?" She added and winked, Amara blushed "yo-you can." she said trying to not blush too much, Regan noticed her blushing and smiled and sat down on her spider web, the two talked and laughed till it was late "Hahaha!" Amara laughed at a funny story Regan told her, Regan looked at her and blushed and smiled, "oh Regan this story is so funny!" Amara said with a smile, Regan looked outside "oh it's getting late, I better go to sleep, you need too you know" she said "but before that..." Regan said and Amara looked confused, Regan kissed her cheek and ran out, Amara walked to the door and locked it, she sat down and took a few moments to realize what happened "OH MY ISLAND- SHE KISSED ME-" she turned red, she went to sleep still thinking about it

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