Chapter 3

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A few month past and the trio prepared themselves to go, but Orpheus stood up and said "I wanna stay, I am sorry, here I can just be Orpheus and NO ONE! Will judge me by who I really am", "what do you mean Orpheus?" Matilda asked and Mara looked confused, "I- I am trans" he said "I am trans, and everyone at home knows that, a-and I ran away because they all wanted to change me..." he added, "we can change it!" Matilda said, "no. I am not LEAVING, HERE- here I feel found, I am not leaving this place sorry." Orpheus said, Matilda and Orpheus fought about this subject as Mara sat and looked at the new pictures with everyone, suddenly people got inside the house looking for Orpheus Mara and Matilda as Alice and Scarlett were tied to the floor "KIDS HIDE!" Scarlett yelled in fear and pain, the kids tried to hide but it was too late the guards took them, held them so the cannot move.
The guards took everyone outside "let the two elderly women go" a familiar voice said, Alice and Scarlett looked injured, the guards freed them and they hugged. "Why is this voice so familiar?..." Matilda asked suspiciously, then Christian came out with an evil grin on his face "Welp I have done my mission" he said, Mara and Orpheus gasped in disbelief. "YOU!" Matilda yelled ready to attack but the guards gave her an electric shock, "MATILDA!" Orpheus and Mara yelled terrified as Matilda fainted and the guards gave them both electric shocks as well and they fainted, Amara had finally arrived "hello Christian" Amara said glaring at him, "Amara, I see you are getting older and uglier by the years" he said looking at her with a judgmental look "ugh, guards you may take them away" the guards took Mara and Orpheus as Matilda woke up, she stood up and fought to get herself free but she failed, the guards took the kids away as Matilda yelled tearfully.
Scarlett stood up and walked to Christian holding him by the collar of his shirt "WHY DID YOU DO THAT" she yelled as anger tears fell down her face "sorry Scarlett, it's my job to keep everything in order and save us from these horrible beasts" he said with a numb face "and don't worry soon they won't be here with us" he added with an evil grin "Christian, pack your stuff and leave NOW" Alice declared with a serious look on her face, Christian's expression changed from grinning to scared and anger "Fine. Just so you know, I will maybe come after you two if I am bored so be prepared, now, BYE!" He said and disappeared.
Alice looked at Scarlett scared as they both walked away.

At the castle..
The guards took the kids to the Throne room where Charles and Regan were talking, the guards threw the kids in front of the royalty "Ew- they are so dirty" Charles said "citizens what did you expect" Regan replied, "true" he said and they both laughed a bit.
Amara coughed and Christian was by her side pointing at the kids on the floor, "OH oh yes, thank you Amara thank you Christian" Regan said and she and Charles stepped towards the kids "well well well" Charles said "look what we have here, the most wanted children on both sides" Regan added, Matilda glared "UNHAND ME NOW YOU BITCH" she shouted, Regan have had enough of it she moved her hand doing a spell and made Matilda faint, "so Charles what are we gonna do with them" Regan asked "Hm... I don't know..." he replied "maybe kill them?" She added, Amara stepped forward "excuse me miss Regan and mr. Charles, I don't think it's a good idea to kill them" she said "they are kids and they are powerful, so let's use their power" she added, "wow she is annoying" Charles whispered to Christian and he nodded, "ok we are going with Amara's plan she is very smart" Regan said, Amara blushed a bit and hid her face.

When Matilda woke up she found herself in a chair along with her friends, her eyes closed once again but this time when she opened them she found Orpheus and Mara screaming in pain as some people slowly approached her, she opened her eyes wide open and screamed trying to break free "LET ME GO LET ME- GO!" She yelled as her eyes began to glow and the people got thrown to the wall, she broke free and jumped to a window "I will come to you, I promise" she ran away with tears in her eyes as Mara and Orpheus looked dead

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