3 Days Til

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Two weeks ago Allie and Louis had cute little twins Riker was 7lbs. and 8ounces. and Macy 4lbs. and 7ounces. They both had brown hair and blue eyes. In 3 days all of the boys and Allie and I were going on tour with the babies. It was going to be a long tour it lasted 4 months. We visiting 7 different countries. Me and Allie were so happy we couldn't wait. I hear a knock on the door while Harry and the boys were in the studio. Im not suppose to open the door when its just me and Darcy. But i heard a voice at the door "Hey! Open the door its Paul!!" I opened the door Paul was standing there nervously shaking. I said "Whats wrong!?!" He said that I needed to hurry and get Darcy her diaper bag and bottles and come to his car. I ran over to little Darcy she was sleeping I picked her up and ran to getaway her carrier that straps around me. I grabbed it tied it around me and put her in it and ran to get her bottles and diaper bag. Once I had got all i needed i ran to Paul's car Allie was in the car with Riker and Macy. I said "Whats wrong!" "Harry and Louis was in a reck going to studio"Allie said almost crying. The whole way there was silents. We finally made it to the hospitial. We ran to the front desk we asked them where Harry and Louis they said the 2nd floor. Me and Allie ran to the elevator to go see them. When we walked in the doctor was in the room he said that they were fine that he was going to get papers to discharge them. I ran to Harry's bed side i said "Don't ever scare me like that anymore." he smiled and kissed me and Darcy "There was ice on the road and we didn't see it and we slid off the road." Harry said with fear look on his face. "Im so glad that you and Darcy was not in the car. " He said with tears in his eyes "Well we are alright we are fine. I love you!". An hour later we were leaving when we got home we had so many get well soon flowers and balloons at our door step from all the fans. We walked in the door I went to lay Darcy down in her crib. She was sleeping peacefully when the door bell rang. It was my mom and step-dad "We heard Harry had got in a reck we came to make sure he was ok" my mom said "Everyone is fine" I said with a smile. After they left we got Darcy up and went to go eat Louis and Allie. Tomorrow will start off the tour we were all excited. The first place we will go is Tokyo. I was nervous because this is the first time I had ever flew with Darcy. Everyone was so nice when we got there. The first show went great everything was awsome. Harry called me and Darcy on stage and said loudly " Theese two are my life and world I love them with all my heart they are my world!!" I smiled and said "I love you sweet heart.". The next week we had went to Ireland i was excited.

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