Chapter 4

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Mitch's POV

It's been 3 weeks now since Scott took me off the streets. It's been the best 3 weeks of my entire life! There's no way I can repay Scott for the way he's treated me. I mean, he took me shopping, he gave me food and a place to sleep, he's even taken me to clubs and other fun things! Scott's the best friend I've ever had, but it doesn't change the fact that I still needed to do something with my life. I've been calling everywhere to try and get a job or something but I've always been declined. I have to find some way to figure out how to get hired so I can at least start to rely on myself for things I need.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Grassi. I'm afraid there's no position for you here." The lady on the phone replied.

"Are you sure? Please, I'll do anything! Are you sure there's nothing for me?" I asked desperately.

"No, sir. I'm sorry." The lady said. I sighed.

"Oh, ok. Thank you." I said. I hung up and put the phone down on the table. I rested my head in my hands.

"Hey, Mitch. You ok?" Scott said as he came out from the hallway, holding an empty Starbucks cup in his hand. I shook my head no. Scott was instantly beside me on the couch, the empty cup on the coffee table. "What happened?"

"Another job declined me." I said, not lifting my head to look at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Maybe next time -"

"Scott! That's the 4th job that's declined me this week!" I tried not to get angry as I looked up at him again. "At this rate, I'll never get on my feet and stop burdening you with my presence..." I have no idea where that statement came from... Maybe it's what I was thinking in the back of my mind. I don't know. Scott wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Mitch, your not burdening me! If anything, taking you in was one of the best decisions of my life! Don't ever think I don't care about you or think your trouble to because that is the absolute opposite of what I feel! Ok?" Scott said sternly, but still caringly. A tear began to form in my eye but I blinked it away before it was noticeable. I can't believe Scott cares so much about me!! No one ever really has before.

"Ok." I say, pulling him into a hug. "Thanks."

"No problem!" Scott said. We held that hug for quite a long time.

Scott's POV

As I gave Mitch a hug, all that ran through my mind is why he thinks he's such a burden on me. I mean, I've helped him and practically nursed him back to perfect health. I know he's thankful, but those words just ran through my mind so easily. 'And stop burdening you with my presence'.... What possibly happened that was so bad that he would thin this way?

"Umm, Mitch?" I said, quietly.


"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" I said hesitantly. Mitch shrugged.

"Ask away!" He said, breaking the embrace we were in to look into my eyes.

"Umm.... Well, I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but how did you end up in the state that you did? You know, homeless?" I asked cautiously. Mitch looked at me, eyes wide, almost seeming like he was thinking about whether or not to tell me. He proceeded slowly and quietly.

"Well it all started when I got fired from my old job. I was a singer. They said that somehow I broke my contract and they kicked me out of the business. Then I got kicked out of my house because I had no money, and I ended up on the streets. I spent 9 months on the street before you found me." He said, a tear running a trail down his cheek. I hugged him again and he cried into my shoulder. "Im so glad you found me, Scott! I never want to live that way again! Please don't make me live that way!" He said, sobbing now, staining my shirt with his tears. It broke my heart to see him like this. I wrapped him in my arms tightly.

'Don't worry, Mitch. I will never let you go on the streets again. I'll always be here to help you and protect you. Always." I whispered softly into Mitch's ear. He sniffled.

"You promise?" he asked, looking into my eyes but still having his arms around me. I smiled.

"I promise." I said. He hugged me again. I let go and looked into his brown eyes intently. I didn't want to ruin the moment, but one more question really hitched in my mind for some reason.

"Mitch?" He only hummed in response. "Who kicked you out of your house?" Mitch was silent. I probably shouldn't have asked that. Oops.

"I'd rather not say who. You'll just push me away..." Mitch said quietly, looking away. I put my hand on his shoulder, and he looked back at me.

"Mitch, there's no way I could possibly push you away! Why would telling me who kicked you out make any difference anyway?" I asked. Mitch looked down, as if thinking, then back up at me. He spoke hesitantly.

"Because... because he was my boyfriend....ex-boyfriend...." Mitch said, his eyes glued to the couch, ashamed. I kept my hand on his shoulder, but sat there, speechless and shocked. He....He's gay? Why is he ashamed of that?

"Mitch..." He looked back up at me. "I'm gay too. It's ok. I'm not gonna shut you out." I said softly. Mitch smiled and wrapped me in yet another embrace.

"Thank you... so much..." Mitch whispered. I smiled.

"No problem." I said, hugging him tightly. Mitch revealed his secret to me, a secret no one probably knows... I need to tell him mine. My mind was saying no, but my heart was saying yes. I have to tell him... I care too much to not let him know. Well... here goes nothing....

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