Chapter 7

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Mitch's POV

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital, completely restless. What the heck happened to Scott? Did it have to do with his heart problem? Is he ok? Is my boyfriend ever going to wake up? So many questions went through my mind at once, I have a headache, but I don't care. I'm really worried.

I've been waiting here for what seems like hours. I don't want to wait anymore, but I have no choice. I feel so helpless. All I can do is sit here and wait for the doctor to come back with results. I hope when he does come, he brings good news about my Scott. I couldn't bear losing home again. I might have to go back on the streets, or worse. I'll lose the only person I care about, who cared about me. I couldn't live with Scott not being alive. It's too horrible to think about. even though I've only known him for about 2 months, they were the best two months anyone could ever ask for.

I got startled when the doors to the waiting room burst open, and a woman walked through the doors, her face looking panicked and tired. She had hazel eyes and shoulder length wavy blonde hair. She looked like she hasn't slept in a long time. She ran up to the counter and started talking frantically to the lady at the front counter. I could barely hear what they were saying.

"Excuse me, ma'am, is there a Scott Hoying here?" She asked in a panicked and worried tone. My heart jumped and I became more alert when I heard Scott's name. I couldn't hear anything after that, all I could see was the both of them talking frantically. Who was this lady, and how did she know Scott? He's never mentioned anyone in the time we've hung out together... Wait... He has!! I suddenly remembered Scott telling me at the restaurant about an old friend he had! Was this her? What was her name?.....

The woman sighed and walked over to the chairs and sat a few seats away from me, a look of distress still on her face. She pulled out her phone and began to type frantically on it. I tried hard to remember what Scott said her name was. I waited a little bit before I spoke.

"Umm..... Kirstie?" I asked cautiously. Her attention went to me.

"Yeah? Who are you?" She asked, setting her phone on her lap.

"My name is Mitch... I'm.... Do you know Scott Hoying?" I asked, an awkward feeling building in my chest. Her eyes widened.

"Yes! I'm an old friend of his! Do you know him? Do you know what happened?!" She asked, suddenly becoming frantic. I nodded.

"Yes, I know him. I'm his..." I lowered my voice to a whisper. "I'm his boyfriend..." Kirstie thought, then nodded.

"Ohhh ok! How did you know my name?" She asked, becoming cautious.

"Scott told me about you. He says he hasn't talked to you since he moved here. How did you know to come?"

"I saw his name on the news and came here as soon as possible! I've been meaning to talk to him again anyway! So what happened?!" She asked. I took a deep breath and lifted my hand, revealing the ring. She gasped, covering her mouth.

"Is.... is that?....." She lost her words. I lowered my hand.

"It's just a promise ring! Scott and I went to a restaurant and he gave it to me yesterday and we became boyfriends, and then we hugged, and he went limp in my hands...." I trailed off, the feelings of that night all coming back to me. Kirstie leaned over and put a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"Mitch, I'm sure he's gonna be ok. He's a trooper! He'll be awake and we can see him in no time! You just have to have hope." said Kirstie, sounding comforting but deep down in her voice and deep inside herself, she had doubt. She hid it well though. I raised my hand and put it on top of her hand on my shoulder and held it.

"Thank you, Kirstie." I said with care, looking into her eyes. She smiled.

"Anytime!" She said, removing her hand shortly after she said this. Me and her talked some more about our pasts with Scott, her telling me how they met and how strong their friendship used to be before he moved, and I told her how me and Scot met. She seemed moved by my words for some reason. I think it's safe to say that me and Kirstie were now friends.

After many minutes of discussion, the doctor came through the doors. Me and Kirstie stood up simultaneously, rushing over to the doctor.

"So? Is Scott ok? What exactly happened? Is he going to wake up?" I asked, suddenly losing my calm. The doctor raised his hand and I silenced, my endless questions being interrupted by this gesture.

"I'm very sorry. We seem to have overestimated Scott's lifespan." The doctor said, trying to speak carefully and nicely.

"What the heck does that mean?!" Kirstie practically yelled. The doctor kept a calm face.

"Scott's heart is failing. There is a pretty good chance that he won't see tomorrow." The doctor said calmly. I gasped and Kirstie put her hands over her mouth. Both of our eyes were beginning to form tears.

"You are welcome to visit him, if you would like. I'm sure you know what room he's in. Again, I'm very sorry." The doctor said, walking to the doors and disappearing out of our sight. Me and Kirstie stood there in disbelief and shock. A tear rolled down my face as I looked at the ring on my finger. Scott's.... not gonna live... I'm going to lose the mast amazing person in my life, and I couldn't help him. He's helped me so much, and I can't pay him back for that.

Kirstie was sobbing beside me and I began to sob as well, but I stopped myself. I need to be strong for when I go to see Scott. I held out a hand to Kirstie.

"Are you coming?" I asked. She nodded, taking my hands as we walked to the doors towards Scott's room. It took every ounce of my strength to not break down right here and now.

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