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Bet you weren't expecting this were you ;D

let me tell ya something

As y'all know, or maybe don't know, I wrote Homeless for a fanfic competition held here on wattpad. Sadly, i didn't win (i don't know how, i mean my story got more reads than some of the winners combined XD) but either way, I was satisfied with the story and apparently you guys were too because it got more attention than I had anticipated!! IT WAS AWESOME XD!! but i've been reading comments and thinking about the book and I've decided that I'm going to do something, hence the news I'm about to share...







Let me tell you a little about it. The book will be called 'Jobless'. It's going to be taking place after the book ends, a few weeks after Scott gets out of the hospital. It will be about Mitch trying to find a job, but in doing so, both him and Scott will be having their struggles. Also, guess who's coming back, and might be more involved in the Jobless book??? Leave that to your imaginations ;D but I'm just saying it's gonna be great!


Now that that's off my chest, now comes an explanation.

I've wanted to tell you guys this FOREVER!!!! But theres been a minor setback.

1) I haven't even started writing it yet... oops XD

2) I haven't started writing it because I don't have a cover for it.

let me explain

I always use Photoshop to make all my covers, and as you guys know I use a school laptop, so that of course entails that I got it taken over the summer. I've had this idea since after I got it taken, so I've been waiting and updating my one shots on my ipod and awaiting the day I get my laptop back. sure enough, the day came! Only thing wrong is that the school brought brand new MacBook Air's to replace our old computers. When I set up my computer, I saw that photoshop was not on here. As I tried not to panic too much, I went to the tech office to try and figure everything out. They tried to install it, but something went wrong, so they took my computer for the weekend. When I came back on Monday, they told me to just take it and they'd try to figure out the problem and they'd call me down when they figure it out.

I haven't been called down since....

That was two weeks ago.

The point is, I don't have photoshop, therefore I can't make a cover, therefore I can't start writing... BUT i was just informed there are computers around my school that have photoshop on them so I can make one within the next few days!!!

But yeah, sequel! thats the news, hope it was worth the wait!

i promise i will make a chapter in my one shots specifically saying when I have a cover and when the first chapter will be released so keep an eye out for that!!!

I love y'all sooooo so much and thank you so much for reading! If you didn't, I probably wouldn't be making a sequel!! YOUR ALL SO AWESOME THANK YOU!!

-Bailee ;D

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