Chapter 6

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Scott's POV

It's been a month since I told Mitch my secret. He looks as if he hasn't been affected too much by it. I can tell he's just putting on a face. I can tell it bothers him that I might be gone in about two years. He tries not to dwell on it, so I haven't either. We've had so much fun together, seeing movies, going shopping and clubbing, just being friends. Today I'm going to take him to a restaurant, but this outing will be different. If it goes the way I hope it does, then we won't walk out of there as friends... but as partners, boyfriends, lovers. I'm not quite sure how long I've wanted this actually. Was it the day I took him in? The day we shared our secrets? The day I found out he was gay? When we went to the movies, or the club, or just hung out at home? I'm not sure, all I know is that I think I've completely fallen for this man.

We exited the car when we got to the restaurant and we went inside. The waitress then lead us toward the back of the restaurant and we sat down, ordering our drinks. We both ordered champagne, which I thought was really coincidental. When the drinks arrived and the waitress went away. I held up my drink.

"To you." I said, trying to hide the slight red that was beginning to emerge from my cheeks. Mitch giggled and raised his glass.

"To you, too. For taking me in, and being what seems like the only person to care about me in the slightest." he said, smiling. I smiled and our glasses met, clinking as they made contact. We both took a drink and the entire time since I entered this place, my stomach has had a very nervous feeling. I have no idea when the right time to ask Mitch to be mine, all I know is that it needs to be soon before nerves get the better of me. I don't want the box in my back pocket to stay in concealment and never see this night...

Mitch's POV

I sat across from Scott and smiled. Our glasses clinked and we took a drink. This is so nice of him to take me out to a place like this. It seems so fancy! The first fancy thing I've had in months, and honestly I missed it. I'm just so happy that Scott took me in. If he didn't, I probably would still be in that refrigerator box, snacking on the last of that stale bag of chips, wishing for someone to care. I don't want to imagine that. That's the last thing I want to think about, especially here and now.

The waitress came back after a moment of looking at our menus and we ordered our food. It arrived fairly quickly. Me and Scott ate our meals and we talked about so many different things. He told me a story about how he and his old friend Kirstie did a bunch of stuff together and out all the time and how he hasn't talked to her since he moved to LA and she stayed in Texas. I told him about my singing career. I even sang a little song for him called 'Let No Man Steal Your Thyme'. Scott seemed to pay a lot of attention to my singing and by the look on his face, he really liked it. We finished our meals and we both leaned back in our chairs, feeling full. A feeling I'm still not used to, but fall in love with every time.

"Wow. That dinner was amazing, Scott!" I said, smiling and gazing at him from across the table. He smiled back.

"Yeah, it was." He said, his face looking like he was paying attention but i could tell his mind was kinda far off.

"Scott? Are you ok there?" I said, no doubt sounding more concerned than I had intended.

"Oh, yeah! I'm fine, I promise. There's just something on my mind..." he said, trailing off at the last words of his sentence and going back into his daydream.

"What is it?" I asked curiously, leaning forward. Scott smiled nervously.

"You really want to know?" He asked, sounding weirdly shy.

"Yeah, what's on your mind?" Scott gave me a smirk.


"What??" I sat back in my seat, shocked by what he just said, and a little confused. "What do you mean me?"

"Well..." Scott leaned forward. "I'm not sure for how long, but I really like you. I don't know when this feeling started, but as every moment passes, the feeling grows. Especially when I look into your eyes. There's something about them that just mesmerizes me." He stood up. I could move out of shock, so I stayed seated, my eyes glued to his. "For the record, I didn't help you off the streets because of this feeling, I was just being nice! But as I got to know you more, something inside me told me that you were the most amazing person that I had ever met. You're funny, you're sweet, you're just perfect, Mitch." Scott reached into his back pocket and got out a box. My heart jumped out the window. He knelt down and opened it, revealing a simple but elegant silver band.

"This is a promise ring. I really like you Mitch, and I can't imagine my life without you. Would you be my boyfriend?" He asked, a smile never leaving his face. I can't believe this! I've never felt so happy in my life. Tears pooled in my eyes as I pulled Scott into an unexpected hug.

"Yes! Yes I will!" I whispered as Scott pulled me tighter. He let me go and took my hand, fitting the ring onto my finger. This is the best day of my life!

"I love you, Mitchie..." Scott said, looking straight into my eyes.

"I love you too." I said, a tear rolling down my cheek. We hugged again, for a long time. I felt Scott's tight grip on me loosen. I began to pull away, and my heart skipped a beat when I realized he was limp.

"Scott?" I said, studying his face. Nothing. "SCOTT??" I shook him a little more. Nothing.

"SOMEONE!! CALL 911, NOW!!!" I yelled, nervous and upset tears replacing the happy ones that stained my face.

"Scott?? SCOTT??" I called his name until the ambulance came and we both rode to the hospital. Only two things ran through my mind the entire time.

What happened? and is he gonna wake up?

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