September 17th 1986

1.6K 5 11

6:58 AM

It's dawn, and we've made a plan. At about 7:30, we're heading out different ways. Us and Thomas are going to keep venturing North, Stephany and Rosie are going to head south, and Donald and Douglass are going to go east. Salty is going to stay and watch the hideout... which isn't exactly all that hidden. Afterwards, we're going to meet back up here. I hope we find something... something good.

8:59 AM

We found someone. A diesel named Derick. He was in a siding. His driver was nowhere to be seen. He wouldn't talk to us, but we decided to take him back. Oh? You thought something good might happen? Fuck no. We barely bumped into the poor diesel, and his face slipped right off of his front. The squishy sound it made had me sick. I want to throw up just thinking about it. We did find a small town though. It was abandoned, or so we thought. We stopped Thomas and Duck right outside the town and continued on foot. Russel, Chase, Erick, and I walked into the town, and found a pawn shop there. We broke in, grabbed some guns and ammunition, and left to search other buildings. We approached the station, and we heard moaning coming from inside. I told everyone to stay quiet, and back away. Russel said he wanted to see what was in there, so he went over and opened the door. I swear to God at least 70 mutated people ran out of that station at us. They were able to move fast, we had no time to get to the engines. Chase said he'd go back and collect Thomas while we fended off the mutants. One was able to tackle Erick from behind, but Russel got in a good shot just in time. We fought them off for about what felt like an eternity. They just kept pouring out of the station. Chase came around the bend with Thomas, and Thomas began panicking at the sight. We had to think of a plan, and fast. Erick said he would go one way and draw them off of them. He claimed he had seen a way to get to the roofs when we entered the town. We wished him good luck, and he lured the mutants away. This gave us enough to get Duck. We then pulled a risky maneuver. We shot Thomas through the town, and made the mutants go after him while I pulled alongside the alley, allowing Erick to jump into the cab. We gave chase to the mutants who were gaining on Thomas. Those fuckers are fast. We ended up overtaking some, running them down. Eventually, the battle was over. My heart is still racing. I genuinely believed we might die there. We wasted no time heading back to the base. We waited there for the others while we recovered. This nightmare just gets harder and harder to deal with by the day.

11:31 AM

Donald and Douglass returned. They said they ended up going off route a bit, but they did find some things. They came across another small town, just like we did, except they didn't get attacked. They found a thrift store, and broke in. They got some new clothes for all of us, and one found a bolt action rifle. But, they had some sad news as well. They came across Mrs. Kyndley's cottage, a woman who once saved Thomas from getting into a nasty accident. They approached the cottage, and hear groaning from inside. Donald's fireman, "Oscar," ordered Douglass' driver, "Harry," to go start up the engines, and to be ready to get them out. He did as told, and when they opened the door, there was several mutants in there. They fought off all them with ease, but then they headed upstairs. They went into Mrs. Kyndley's room, where there were dead mutants, and a critically injured Mrs. Kyndley on the floor backed against a wall. Her eyes were gouged out, she had a ton of scratch marks on her, and she was missing an ear. She seemed to have fended off the mutants when they broke in with a hot iron. They approached the dying woman, and Oscar told the others to leave the room. He said a prayer over the poor woman, pointed his pistol at her head, and mercifully ended her life. Donald's driver, "Arlo," came back with a shovel, saying they should give the woman a proper burial. Arlo and Harry got to work digging a grave, while Oscar and Douglass' fireman crafted a wooden cross, engraving Mrs. Kyndley's name on it. They dug the hole, wrapped Mrs. Kyndley's body, and put her in the hole. They covered her back up, and stuck he cross in the ground. They went back to their engines who were horribly upset about the passing of Mrs. Kyndley. After that, they decided they had enough for one day, and returned back to our base. Poor Thomas broke down at the news, but he did take comfort in knowing Mrs. Kyndley was no longer suffering.

12:46 PM

Rosie and Stephany returned with a car full of ammunition. They didn't come across anything much on their trip, but at least they have something to show for it.

7:30 PM - The Battle of Brendam.

Fucking brutal day. While at the base, we heard Gordon's whistle again, and an engine racing down the line. We were determined to catch the engine, and we started up all our engines quickly as possible, and we raced down the line in the direction we heard it go. We chased the engine all the way to Brendam, where as we turned be bend, Percy was there waiting for us. He let out a blood-curdling screech, and a fuck ton of mutants ran out of the building beside the tracks. We all began fending off the mutants like there was no tomorrow. It was going well, until Percy let out another screech, and we shot at him instead, but to no avail. Bullets did nothing to him. When he screeched, more mutants came out, mostly with pistols. It was a full on showdown now. We all got into cover and started back firing again. These mutants seem like they were being controlled by some force. We assume Percy is that force. Even though their aim was horseshit, they managed to get one good shot off on Arlo in his shoulder. Tilly immediately ran over to him with a first aid kit, and helped the man. We noticed those mutants were beginning to thin out, as they were exiting the building in fewer clusters. They eventually stopped pouring out of the building, and we looked over to Percy, but he was no longer there. We ran back to our engines as fast as we could, and when we got to them we saw Percy again. Half of us exited our engines, while the other half drove into shelter for the engines. The engines declared they wanted to fight as well. There was no use in arguing with them, and some of us drove them out. We began shooting at Percy again, when Bailey came up with an idea. We were going to lure Percy to come at us, and run over a charge of dynamite planted on the line that Bailey would shoot through a scoped rifle when he heard an engine getting close to it. We went through with the plan, and planted the dynamite. We kept shooting at Percy while backing up to ensure he would follow us. He backed into a pitch black dark shed, where we waited on him. Then he screeched, Bailey was ready to shoot the dynamite, and the sound of wheels pounding the rails was heard. But, it wasn't Percy. It was Gordon's hallowed out corpse that Percy shot out at it. We shouted at Bailey to not shoot the charge, but it was too late. Gordon rolled over the charge, and it blow his corpse to bits. When the smoke cleared, we saw Percy slowly inching towards us. He let out another screech, and Edward, still on fire, charged into the docks. He rammed into Salty, who felt the tense heat, but wasn't badly hurt by it because of his shield he had on. However, the shield did catch fire, and Edward shot into reverse and ran away. We began shooting at Percy again, while Amanda drove Salty over to a part of the docks where the track plunged into the sea. She drove his front in there, and it put out the fire, but also fried the diesels engine. After shooting for so long at Percy, Thomas yelled at us to stop. The little blue tank engine slowly rolled over to Percy, shushing him and calming him down. He got close enough to where they were face to face as Thomas began reminding Percy of their great friendship. He began mentioning events that happened between the two, such as when they saved the mail train. This seemed to work. We were in awe as the brave tank engine turned the monster into a peaceful being. But, it wasn't enough. Percy screeched, and stuck his tendril like tongue right into Thomas' eye. Thomas screamed in pain, but before he could kill him, Bailey shot off the tongue, and Percy, screeching in pain as well, ran away. Bailey, Tilly, and Thomas' crew quickly rushed over to help the engine. They cared to his wound, and Bailey used his craftsmanship to make an eye patch for Thomas. We went to collect Salty, and after all that, we went back to the base, feeling defeated, and awfully depressed.

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