the volturi 7/30/2024

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the night of Alice's vision she and jasper left to, no one knows. And after that the witness all start to come from all over the world, there were even some from Egypt and i had to ask all kinds of questions about the ancient time in Egypt seeing as I always loved the subject thanks the first yu-gi-oh.

When the demigods show up the vampire are very stunned of us at first, they think we are just human. Thankfully they see we are skilled in combat so they knew we are no mir humans. They are really impressed with Frank and his shapeshifting abilities. Said it was the most amusing thing. And they were very weary if Nico, as he is the son of Hades. But all the same, they welcome us with open arms.

The night before the snow sticks we are sitting at a fire talking of past battles when they ask us demigods.

At first, we are silent and they see the look if sadness that shadows our faces. "You could not of seen that much battle in your short life." One of the vampires from the Romandie Covent says with his thick ancient. It's now quiet as everyone watches us. Still say nothing we look to one another then Percy says in a voice bitterly. "We've seen enuff." I thank back to my friend Sarah who we last in the fight with Kronos. And the others. I bring my hand up to my camp necklace. Not wanting to thank of it anymore I walk to the text set up for me and ness. She refused to have anyone else sleep in the same tent as her so she said Jack could stay. if he was nice.

I feel to sleep with tires in my eyes and a heavy heart.

As I dream I see red eyes again and hear the voice it's more clear but still, i'm not making out what they are saying. and this time I see what looks like blonde hair. And a wicked smile on a face that could make my mother jealous.

Caius p.o.v.

We stand on the other side of the Cullens and their army. but among them, all I can hear is the beating of hearts and the smell of dogs, Now that look I see werewolves and people that are cleanly alive. This infreats me. Did they just turn Edwards mat to tell EVen more human? All the more reason to kill them. And I could always go for a good meal.

As Aro steps forward and greets them as if this is a casual meeting and not a trial.

"Carlisle. What a group you have gathered." Carlisle. Look back at his army. "They Are not here to fight. they are here to till you of what they have seen."

Aro nods then looks back and one that who put this in motion comes forward. "Please bring the child." Bella, a wolf, and a human walk up to us, the child held to the human.

This human was small And unhealthy for humans even I could see this.

When they get closer. The human. Puts the child down for us to see. she looked about 7. but I'm more focused on the human. She was beautiful. Brown hair in a high ponytail and where baggy clothes that were held up by a belt. "I see more humans no," I say bitterly. The human looks at me and I smell of her scent. Roses and honeysuckle. And my throat begins to burn and I look into her eyes.a lovely brown like chocolate. The child smiles at me and says "this is my aunt Kari. She's not a human she's a demigod. Her mom is the goddess of-" she looked to the Kari girl "love?" The demigod nodes. With a smile. She looks back at me. And I hear Marcus hum to himself. They walk over to Aro and puts her hand in aros. Aro says nothing but looks back at the cause. "Is this the child you've seen before?" Look to be in thought. "looks like it, but she looks older." Aro gives a look of disappointed meat. "I can hear a heartbeat," Aro says eyeing her. "They lie. it's a trick played By the demi god." "You thank I'm a full, brother. You thank they deserve me." I thank how to answer this. "No, In my time I have met some very counting demigods that can control the mist and make you see what they wish."

my inner demon(Caius volturi love)(completed/ being edited)Where stories live. Discover now