~^chapter 13^~

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That night Max slept in a bus stop. She was going to go to els, but it would be a 2 hour walk, and it would've been 1 am by then. It would be pointless. So she rested her head on her pillow and slept in the cold night. Though, the cold was the least of her worried. She could get robbed, or even worse- kidnapped. But it was fine. She would see el tomorrow. But then she thought- how would she explain why she got kicked out? They would surely ask. She decided she was just going to tell the truth. She was lesbian.

The next morning, she woke up. She started to walk- no time to waste. She was hungry, but persisted. She got there around eleven am (hehe) and knocked on the door. Joyce opened and was surprised to see her. She was expecting someone trying to sell her something but there was Max. The girl her daughter probably liked. Max explained to her that she got kicked out after coming out (lies) to her parents. Joyce took her in and told her she was accepted here and that El was in the shower. Hopper made them waffles. As they were eating, el came down and was shocked to see her.

"Max!! Oh my god- what happened, why are you here, whats going on?" She had so many questions. Max grabbed her hand and Hopper and Joyce watched as El's face turned red. They both stared at each other and it all made since.

In El's room, max explained everything. El held her close. But, on a happier note they were going to live with each other. They were so happy. Their lips touched softly and it stayed there for a while. It felt nice to just relax for a while. After everything happening.

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