Chapter 3

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Spring has sprung in The Lost Woods and life begins anew
trees are growing back their leaves, plants started growing, and a lot of animals have woken up from their hibernation and some of them are having new babies

For Skull Kid, it's probably his favorite time of year next to Autumn although a lot of important events in his life happened to take place around this season but ever since that day 215 years ago, he stopped worrying too much since he's pretty powerful thanks to Majora's Mask

He's currently laid back on a branch with Tatl on the top of his mask while Tael is sleeping on his stomach as they're taking a nap in an old tree

"Hey Skull Kid!"
A green-haired Kokiri girl shouted to the sleeping trio while at the base of the tree they're sleeping at. The trio promptly wake up by it as Skull Kid looks at the girl "Hello Saria" he says "How's the apprenticeship going for you?"

"Good as always Skull Kid" Saria said cheerfully "But I have found someone that your friend knew in life" that caught Skull Kid's attention when his friend was mentioned. Ever since the whole fiasco in Termina, he and Link have become very close pals and Skull Kid doesn't even mind that Link ended up with Malon later on when he became an adult because he has taken the Giants' words to heart about how no one is alone. Plus he had watched over Link's descendants long after his death since he was mortal unlike him

"That's great! But who are they and where are they at?"
Skull Kid said curiously to Saria

"Her name is Navi and she is Link's former fairy companion" she answered while he was climbing down the tree with Tatl and Tael following him. "And she's currently waiting for us at the Korok village, do you want to go with me?"

Skull Kid stares at her for a moment before pulling her into a tight hug
"Of course Saria, lead the way!"


While Saria and Skull Kid are making their way towards Korok Village, their respective fairies are talking to each about various things

"I've been having this question about you and Tael for quite some time"
Saria's fairy said to Tatl

"What is the question May?"
Tatl respond

"Well I know that you and your brother are companion fairies just like me but who was your companion before Skull Kid?"
May questioned

"Well me and Tael are twins which it was rather rare for fairies"
Tatl answered

"I didn't know that you two were twins"
May saids

"And the Great Fairy has given us the status of companion fairies because of that"
Tael joined in

"But what about the person who you two might've assigned to?
May questioned while looking at Skull Kid

"We're not assigned to anyone, we're basically in the same situation as Link before meets his fairy" Tatl answered

"We decided to live our lives wandering the world until we met Skull Kid in a log in the fields near Clock Town and well, you know the rest" Tael finished

"Jeez" May said solomly "It must've been rough for you two when you didn't have a companion. It must've been a good thing that he has taken you both under his wing"


They've finally arrived at the Korok Village where they are expected to meet up with Navi there. Ever since The Great Deku Tree died and Sulkaris has ruled over the forests of Hyrule once again, the Kokiri has evolved into a race of tree humanoids with leafs where their faces should be known as the Korok. They are a relatively peaceful group who have barely interacted with the outside world

Navi is sitting at the central plaza in the village while she's waiting for Saria and Skull Kid

"Navi, we're here! and I brought over Skull Kid as well!" Saria said as they went to the plaza.
they then sit down on the tree stump chairs where Navi is sitting as she begins to talk to them

"Hello there Saria and Skull Kid, I have been a wondering fairy for a couple of centuries now but now I'm looking for a place to settled down in"

"I see" Skull Kid said in response "But how come you didn't want to stay with Saria?"

"I did originally want to stay with her, but given her apprenticeship with the First Sage of Forest, I don't think that she will have the time for me given that she already has a fairy"
Navi then went over to sit on Skull Kid's shoulder as he gets up from the stump

"Well I don't mind having another fairy under my care given that I already have two, plus maybe you have the potential to be a pretty good player" Skull Kid said to her laughing

"Why thank you so much for letting me stay with you Skull Kid" Navi said smiling. Saria then looks at May she's getting up and is ready to leave the village to which Navi looks at Saria and Skull Kid then said to her "I guess you have to go back into doing stuff you've been doing with Mother Sulkaris, so might as well be on my way with Navi and my fairies"

"Alright then, see you next week Skull Kid!" Saria responds while they're leaving the village and goes back Sulkaris' palace where she's waiting for her


Zelda has decided to go out into the forest for the day with her bodyguard since Spring is just getting started and wants to enjoy the pleasant weather Hyrule has been having
"I've been thinking of going to The Lost Woods Impa, I haven't been there since my father died"
Zelda told her bodyguard as she went to the entrance with some ribbons in hand

"You know what your mother have said about that part of the woods"
Impa told her with disapproval

Zelda ignore Impa's warning as she is tying a ribbon to a tree near the Lost Woods enterance
"Don't worry Impa, I have my ribbon with me in case I got lost"
She said as she grabs the end of a rather long ribbon string that was tied to the tree and as she enters The Lost Woods, Impa told her
"Okay then my princess, but please be careful"

Zelda wanders around the woods for a few hours, she was always fascinated about this part of the forest since she was little because her late father used to take her to this place for picnics and hiking, he basically knows the entirety of The Lost Woods by heart and he had pass it down to his daughter although it's been years since she last came here

She ends up bumping into a forest child who was wearing a rather bizarre mask
"What the-?" She said looking at the child as they're both on the ground but she proceeds to get back up and asked as she offers a hand to him
"Do you need help with getting back up?"

Skull Kid then grabs Zelda's hand as a response and then gets back up with her help
"You really are just a kid, but what are you doing in these woods and where are your parents?"
Zelda questioned to him but then Navi, Tatl, and Tael flies over them to which Zelda had noticed with a surprised and curious look on her face
"Wait a minute, are they really actual fairies? I thought that they were just old folk tales that are passed around at court parties and with the townsfolk"

The fairies then quickly flies over behind the forest child as a response to what she had just said

Skull Kid feels like this stranger was familiar since he'd remembered that a little girl used to go into these woods with who he guessed must've been her father several years ago, but he figures that she's just a young teenager and not an adult yet so he responds
"I don't have parents, but I have fairies at my side"
as he helds Tatl in his palm and snuggles her to Tatl's delight

Zelda was shocked about what he had said and thought to herself
This kid has no parents and is living in the forest with fairies, I must do something about this
while her ribbon was cut off by a passing wolfos

She then tells Skull Kid after a long pause
"Do you and your fairy friends want to come with me? I live in a huge castle, and maybe you'll probably like it a lot there"

The group was rather curious about what she had just said especially Navi
Huge castle? Then she must be the princess Link has been talking about
Skull Kid thought to himself

Zelda then grabs Skull Kid's arm as she's about to lead them to the exit only to find out that her ribbon was cut off "Oh curd" Zelda said as she noticed

But Skull Kid said to the princess, "I'll take you to the exit my friend, I have known more about these woods than you probably have" Zelda nodded to him and lets him take the lead since she probably forgot a few things about The Lost Woods in those years since she'd stopped going here

When the group has reached the exit, Zelda tell Skull Kid about her idea
"There is going to be a trade meeting at the castle this weekend and my mother, the queen will also invite the kids of the rulers who are going to show up, so I'm going back here the day before the meeting to see if you and your friends like it or not and perhaps you'll make some new friends like me, is that plan okay with you?"

Skull Kid nodded to her to signify yes since they're just gonna be in the castle for the weekend and maybe he and his fairy friends will end up liking it

Zelda then waves goodbye to the group as she greets Impa

"What has taken you so long my princess?"She said smugly

 Zelda then cheerfully explained to her bodyguard
"I've meeted a forest child with fairy companions in The Lost Woods and I'm gonna pick him up and bring him to the castle the day before the trade meeting!"

"Don't tell me it's your active imagination"Impa responds with concern

"I'm not making that up, Impa.."Zelda let out

"Hmm, we shall see about that but now let's go back to the castle my princess" Impa finished

Impa and Zelda then returns to the castle with the forest child she had just met in mind

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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