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It was the day of Trent and Hana's date. Hana got up at 6am, when she needed to be in Liverpool only at 4pm. It seemed as though Amelia and Ellie were more excited about the date than Hana was. They made Hana breakfast, helped her with make up and hair and then drove her to the trains station. They have never done this.

Trent on the other hand was woken up at 9am, to someone knocking on his door. When he opened it, Trent saw Harvey, Fabio and Stefan. Harvey was grinning, Fabio was looking like Bruno Mars and Stefan looked like he was taken straight from his bed and dragged to Trent's house against his will. Which, knowing Harvey, he definitely was.

"What in the world are you guys doing here?" Before they could answer he continued." Wait.. how did you even find out where I live?"

"Don't even worry about that." Harvey tried to deflect the question.

"So are you letting us in?" Fabio asked.

"No? Why would I?"

Harvey sighted and looked at Stefan and Fabio. "Look we're here, to hype you up before your date."

"I'm just saying that i did not agree to this." Stefan finally spoke up.

"I can see that. And no lads, just go home."

"Nah, we're not going. We can smell you being nervous" Trent just looked at Harvey like he's crazy.

Trent gave up and stepped aside for them to enter the house.

"So when did robbo tell you about this whole thing?" Trent decided to try to get out the information.

"Like two days ago" Stefan quickly nudged Harvey, obviously because Harvey wasn't supposes to tell that.

Obviously it was Andy. Who else… Jordan definitely wouldn't have told youngsters this information, and Trent didn't tell anyone else.

"So it was Andy." Harvey looked at him guilty.

"Yes. He told us to come here and hype you up, because he can't."

"So we're just gonna say that you got this. Don't worry about it too much." Fabio spoke up.

"Yeah and we're going to leave now…" Stefan was already walking to the door.


"Rude!" Harvey exclaimed.

"Bye" Trent quickly closed the door.

Trent would be lying if he said that the boys didn't help him to calm down. There's something about them, where they could just do nothing and already they distract you from the simplest tasks.

Eventually 4pm came around and Trent picked Hana up from the train station. They drove to the icecream shop, while singing lyrics from songs from their childhood. Things got a little awkward when their song came on.

They eventually arrived at their destination. Trent quickly got out of the car and ran to the passenger door to open it for Hana.

"Milady." He reached out for Hana's hand.

"Aw you are such a gentleman…" she laughed.

"How can I not be, when i have such a nice lady."

"Trent, stop, you're making me blush."

Trent laughed at that. He opened the door to the building and help it for her.

"Your usual order?"

"Yes please."

Trent and Hana walked to the counter to order.

"Can we get strawberry ice cream and cookie dough one." Trent asked sweetly.

"That will be £7.74." the lady that took their order looked up at them." Wait, i remeber you two."

Trent and Hana looked at each other. Obviously the lady would remember them. They spent most of their afternoons here.

"You guys are still together? I always thought you guys would last."

"Well yeah it's our first date in a long while."

"Oh you guys are the cutest. Here you go" she handed them their ice cream and they went to sit at what used to be their usual spot.

"Do you reckon the whole group chat is freaking out?" Hana asked Trent.

"Of course."

"Amelia and Ellie made me breakfasts and drove me to the train station. They seemed so excited."

"You don't even know how my morning went." Trent made a dramatic pause." Robbo made Harvey go to my house and he didn't want to go alone so he took Stefan and Fabio. They just showed up at 9am on my doorstep."

"That seems like them."

Trent reached over the table to grab Hana's hand. They held hands for a while, while talking to each other about all sorts of things. They been talking for a few months now and they still somehow find topics from the time where they weren't talking to each other. For example how Hana still watched every Liverpool game that she could. Or how Trent still watched Harry Potter films every autumn, because that's what they used to do every year. They talked about new places that they saw and thought that the other would like it.

After three hours of sitting in the ice cream shop, Hana told Trent that sadly she has to leave, to go to London. Which he tried to convince her to stay, but it was unsuccessful because she had work things she needed to do.

At the train station as they where saying goodbye they hugged for what seemed to be an eternity. Eventually they had to let go, because Hana would miss her train. But as she was about to leave, Trent leaned in to kiss her. It was perfect in every way, maybe s little bit rushed, but perfect. Trent's lips felt so soft. He had to pull back. Trent knew if he didn't, he would never let go of her. Which reminds him to put convince Hana to move back to Liverpool into his to do list.

Trent watch as Hana walk away with sadness. But he knew everything will be okay.

It's probably so noticeable that i had no inspiration for this chapter.

Anyways rip Queen Elizabeth II. Althought I'm far from English, it's still so insane and quite sad that she passed away.

Also it's rumored that it's gonna be 2 weeks of premier league cancelled and then international break, so basically a month without premier league. Liverpool is gonna have enough time to finally get their shit together.

Also this whole fanfic so far was written while i was listening to Lumineers. Idk why i thought i should mention it, but this chapter especially was written while i was listening to the Cleopatra album. It's so good.

She's a rainbow | Trent Alexander ArnoldWhere stories live. Discover now