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"What do you mean, you burned the brownies?!" 

Hana was shouting at her stupid friends. Those friends were Jude, Ellie and Amelia. Jude was staying at Ellie's and Amelia's flat while in London because they had a spare bedroom after Hana moved out. 

"I meant exactly what I said!" Jude shouted back at her.

"How do you burn brownies?!" Hana continued.

"Don't ask me. I wasn't responsible, El was." Jude redirected the blame to Ellie.

"Me?" Ellie exclaimed."No, no, no. It was all Amelia." 

"You guys are a bunch of children.." Trent looked at them four with disappointment visible in his eyes. 

"Me?! I wasn't the one who burned brownies." Hana exclaimed.

Trent just shook his head and headed outside. 

The car ride to Mason's flat was as chaotic as the day before. Ellie and Jude almost got into a fist fight because Jude didn't like Ellie's music. So automatically Amelia got to play music, because it was Trent's car and he didn't have time for Ellie's and Jude's shenanigans.

When it looked like the situation calmed down Ellie saw McDonald's. Of course being her she started begging Trent to stop there and Trent, being the dad of the group that he is, told her there's food at Mason's. 

So here they were at the McDonald's drive thru...

"Can I get nine happy meals?" Trent looked back at Ellie in the back, who was smiling really hard.

"Okay, drive to the second window." 

"Just so you know Ellie... I really don't like you right now.' 

"But you got everyone a happy meal so i win and you lose." 

"Kids, let's stop fighting." Hana spoke up.

"We got McDonald's!" Ellie and Jude yelled as soon as they walked into Mason's flat.

Tammy and Jadon slid down the hallway and stopped right in front of Hana who was holding four of the happy meals.

"Thanks mum!!" Jadon thanked her while mocking the fact that this was oddly domestic.

"I would have brought brownies..." Hana turned to Amelia, Ellie and Jude." But, these three, burned them." 

"Great. I visit england not that often, and when I visit I get no Hana's baked goods?" Tammy said, pretending to look mad.

"Don't worry I can bake something while I'm here." 

"Has anyone ever told you that you're the best?" 

"Yes." Hana stopped and looked at Trent struggling to take off his shoe." Him, about ten a day." 

"Stop that. It makes me feel incredibly lonely." Mason popped out of nowhere. Everybody laughed at Mason's words.

Few hours passed and after eating like six of them weren't professional footballer, they talked about stupid stuff that only bestest of friends would talk and laugh about. 

Everything was going smoothly until...

"Jude has been gone for a while.." Hana wondered.

"Wait, where did he go?" Trent looked around.

Little did they know, well Amelia knew but she didn't tell anyone, that actually Jude was stuck in the bathroom. And has been for about half an hour now. Amelia didn't tell anyone because Jude wanted to see how long it would take for them to notice that he's gone.

Mason quickly stood up and made way to the bathroom door. And lo and behold there was Jude. Mason managed to fix the door and Jude came out.

"You're a multimillionaire and your bathroom door is broken?" Jude exclaimed.

"I meant to get that fix a week ago but forgot." Mason sheepishly smiled at all of them.

"You dumb fuck." Jadon smacked the top of Mason's head.

They went back to the living room where the movie was still playing. But movie wasn't on anyone's mind. They where chatting about stuff they needed to catch up on. Tammy still was convinced that he's dreaming. Well he's the only one who said that out loud. Most of them couldn't believe that this happened. And eventually drifted of to sleep, like little kids on their first sleepover....

And that's it.

I know that this was a shit ending. But if I'm being for real, i lost interest in this story a loooooong time ago. But i still felt the need to finish it because i know how much it sucks when authors don't finish stories.

I know that this wasn't really OCxTrent and more like a friendship group fanfic but yeah.... I hope someone enjoyed it because i sure didn't.

Anyways Taylor swift's album just dropped. My fav songs from the first listen are probably Vigilante shit and lavender haze. This whole album is giving 1989XReputation.

Why am I talking about Taylor Swift in my end of book note...?

Anyways byeee

She's a rainbow | Trent Alexander ArnoldWhere stories live. Discover now