🌧️ Chapter 1- The Letter. 🌧️

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"I'm so tired. Just done with life. Yet I'm to scared to end my own stupid, repetitive, never-ending and pitiful life."

These were the words that Kaeya continuously said to himself as he sat on the edge of his bed, pulling on his hair in stress while overflowing tears poured out of his eye and splattered onto the ground. Just then, Kaeya heard a muffled knock from the other side of his bedroom door. He rubbed his eye slightly, making himself stop crying as he stood up and walked to the door to open it. Kaeya placed his hand on the knob, gripping hard onto it as he then twisted it and opened the door.

He looked around, no one was there. Kaeya looked down of where his porch was and saw 7 letters laying there looking all peaceful. He sighed and picked up all 7 letters at once. Kaeya threw the letters onto his desk as he then pulled the seat out a bit and sat down on it. Starting with the first letter, Kaeya pulled off the envelope and unfolded the letter, reading every word inside his head.
The letter said this:

'Dear Kaeya,
I have more requests that you must do. Lately people have been saying that they've seen a few Abyss Mages and Hilichurls camping around certain types of territories near Mondstadt. I sincerely apologise as I have been giving a lot of the work lately to you, It's just that Lisa has been doing research about some things, Eula has been practising dancing and ect, Amber has been helping the Traveler with gliding and some combat skills along with some defence and offence and Albedo has been working and focusing on his experiments while Sucrose helps him.
By Acting Grandmaster Jean.'

There was nothing else specifically special about the other 6 letters, most of them were about the citizens asking for assistance of Kaeya since he was the Calvary Captain after all and handled situations more than anyone, the last one was just about Kaeya having to pay the bills for the alcohol he had at Dawn Winery.

Kaeya glared at all the letters before furrowing his brows and pinching the bridge of his nose. He absolutely hated it when he received types of letters like this. Well, he didn't actually hate it that much, it's just that he'd rather commit suicide other than having to risk his life going on these stupid quests that were highly dangerous. Kaeya just sighed as he then pushed his chair back and stood up to go deal with all of these problems.


And done! Sorry that it was short, I had to rush it since I'm going somewhere.

Words: 453

"You promised.. But your just a Liar!"Platonic KaeLuc/LucKae venting.Where stories live. Discover now