🌧️Chapter 2- This is where it goes bad..🌧️

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requested by: number2simp
Congratulations! You won the prize of requesting ^^ Also, thank you for being so kind and generous to me and being so supportive on a few of the stories I made! <3

Anyways! This may contain: Mentions of blood, slight gore, swearing perhaps?, Manipulating voices I guess, emotional abuse or neglect?. I hope you enjoy! <33

Kaeya had nearly finished all of the work the letters had told him to do, all he now had to do was to get rid of a camp thats near Dawn Winery and is surrounding the somewhat the stone walls of Mondstadt. He walked out of Mondstadt and into the grassy fields, wandering over to the area thats near Dawn Winery but just outside. Kaeya knew very well of where goes where, so he didn't take to long to spot the camp that was near Dawn Winery and the walls of Mondstadt.

This shouldn't take to long to finish.

Kaeya thought, walking closer to the camp. The Hilichurls heard the footsteps and straight away came running in anger to Kaeya. He quickly took out his sword and killed at least 2 Hilichurls in one shot. There were now 5 more Hilichurls he needed to kill, but before he could kill anymore of them he then froze hearing one of the Hilichurls say something he regretted hearing.

"Kaeya, how could you hurt your homeland people? You said you would protect us no matter what.."

Kaeya stood frozen, looking down as his eye widened. He dropped his sword, still in shock and disbelief that the Hilichurls said that. Kaeya began hearing voices with cries and rage flow in his mind. They said: 'Its your fault, you were supposed to help! You betray us for some random town? Your useless, no wonder the Alberichs left you to shiver in that cold rain.'

"No..No, No, No! NO! This cant be happening!!"

Kaeya blocked his ears, but the voices just only became louder. His breathing started going faster than usual. All those memories that he had forced himself to forget had came flooding back to give him more pain and suicidal thoughts. All those neglectful and abusive things his father did to him. All those people giving disgusted and weird looks, but when they were near him they gave those annoying, beaming grins. Kaeya knew all of this, it was repeating again. He couldn't let it happen again. No, he couldn't. It wasn't fair. Out of all people, why did he have to suffer this such experienced trauma. But then again, who was he the one to blame? He gave mostly fake emotions, he manipulated people so easily with them just hating him now. What was wrong with him? He was so useless, he couldn't do anything for his good. Maybe that's why the Alberichs left him. They only kept him in the family just to manipulate and torment him. He wasn't any trophy. Instead, he was just some toy you play with. He was so naive back then and he still is. Why was he even alive? Why didn't Diluc just kill him there and now like he wanted him to.

These thoughts and memories kept on going as Kaeya was stuck in this repetitive trance. What Kaeya didn't know was that there was something behind him. Just then, a cold and sharp object that was slippery hit his neck. That cold, sharp and slippery thing was an icicle thrown by an Abyss Mage. The icicle went through his skin to the front of his neck where the icicle just slightly went through his chin. Kaeya snapped out of his trance as his eye flooded with water, he let out a scoff before smiling. Was this now finally the end of him? Blood came gushing out of his neck, running down onto his clothes before dripping onto the grass. The only thing he hoped left was that no one would come to find him. Kaeya's eye blurred with tears as he then blacked out.

Whew, finally done! Sorry that it didn't go as you planned, number2simp. Btw, sorry about the cliffhanger- Anyways, thank you for reading! Buh-Byee!! <33

Words: 696

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