001: falling out

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Kuroo and Daishou didn't always hate each other. They used to be the best of friends when they were kids. Of course, they never talk about that era. To them, that's one of the most embarrassing things.

Any time one of their parents asked why they never bring the other around, a feeling of hatred surfaced in their stomachs. Another feeling came around, too, but they either didn't know what it was. Or rather... didn't want to know.

The reason their falling out happened was from when they were eight years old.

Kuroo and Daishou were always adventurous and would often wander out far from home. Their parents trusted them enough since they always returned home before dark.

Once, when they were out wandering, they found a cave. It was too steep for them to climb in and/or out, so they just looked over the edge.

Ten years ago
Eight years old

"I'm gonna get a closer look," Kuroo said, slowly inching closer to the edge.

"Tetsuro, please be careful.." Daishou warned, staying right where he was. "We don't even have any flashlights and it's getting dark.."

"Yeah, yeah," Kuroo dismissed. He looked at the ground before he took his next step and slipped on a rock. "Whoa!" Kuroo yelled, falling into the cave.

"Tetsuro!" Daishou's little voice screamed. He knelt down and tried to see Kuroo. "Are you okay?!" A groan of pain was heard and little pebbles falling into the cave echoed. "Tetsuro.." Daishou said, his voice breaking.

"I'm fine, don't cry, okay?" Kuroo reassured, moving his leg and hissing in pain. His ankle was sprained. "Crap.." he whispered, holding his ankle. "Do you think you can find something to help me out?"

Daishou silently gasped and stared into the darkness. "I.. I-I don't.." he stuttered, his little heart beating at light speed. He quickly stood up and sniffled, turning and running away.

"Su- Suguru!?" Kuroo called, hoping to hear an answer back. "Suguru!" he called again. He slightly started to panic as he stared at his ankle. "M-Maybe he went to go find something.." he said, trying to reassure himself.

When what felt like hours went past (it was really only an hour or two), Kuroo's panic was much bigger than before. "He left me.. he left me to die here.." Tears stung at his eyes as his face frowned into anger. "How could he..?"

The next day

"He'll be fine. He just needs to wear this cast for a few weeks and try to let it rest as much as possible."

"Thank you, doctor," the woman said, the doctor nodding and walking away.

"Mom, will Tetsuro be okay?" Daishou asked, holding his mom's hand.

"He'll be fine, sweetie," his mom said, gently squeezing his hand.

Daishou stared through the glass panel on Kuroo's hospital room and frowned. He turned towards Kuroo's mom and pulled her hand. "Auntie, can I go talk to him?"

"Of course you can," she said, softly smiling down at him. Daishou let go of their hands and walked towards the door, opening it and walking in, letting the door close behind him. Kuroo looked over to see who it was and his face instantly turned to anger. He looked away and resumed looking out the window.

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