004: impulse

628 29 65

tw: pills (NOT overdosing!)

Daishou was about to leave Hiroo's house after staying there for a few hours. His friends really made him feel at peace, and he hated to leave. Not much could help him feel that way anymore. The only other person that could make him feel peaceful, now made him feel scared.

It was starting to get dark and Hiroo offered Daishou a ride several times, but Daishou refused every time, saying he 'needs the walk.'

"You know, you really make my nerves bad when you won't just let me drive you. Especially at a time like now. It's getting dark," Hiroo said, leaning on the door frame.

"I'll be fine, stop worrying. I'm always fine when I walk alone. I'll call you when I get home, okay? That sound better?" Daishou bargained, hoping Hiroo would agree. Hiroo just stared with a raised eyebrow and his arms crossed.

"Ugh, fine. You better call me," Hiroo said, pointing a finger in Daishou's face.

"I will, I will," Daishou laughed. "I'll see you later," he said, walking off the porch.

"Get home safe!" Hiroo called, Daishou looking back with a smile.


Kuroo got out of the shower, grumbling about how it didn't clear his head as he dried his hair. "Can't believe you ruined my shower. Usually that keeps you quiet for awhile."

Ah, well, looks like we all can't have sunshine and rainbows.

"You irk my nerves so bad," Kuroo said, tossing aside the towel he was using to dry his hair. He went over to his desk and picked up a bottle, scrunching his face up at how light it was. He looked at the bottle and sighed. "One pill left. Great," he scoffed, opening the bottle and popping the last pill in his hand.

Hey, don't you dare take that.

"Or what?" Kuroo challenged, picking up his water bottle and taking the cap off.

Or, there'll be consequences.

"Doubt it," Kuroo said, drinking some water and putting the pill in his mouth.

Wait, wait, wait-!!

"Goodbye until tomorrow," he said, twisting the cap back on his water and putting it back on his desk. "I need a run." He found some basketball shorts and a tank top to put on and took his towel from around his waist, putting it on the bed and changing into his clothes.

He texted his mom about needing more pills before he left, locking the door behind him and jogging off the porch and on the sidewalk. "Maybe I should run somewhere new. It's not like I have anything pestering me right now, so I have some time for me." He took a turn instead of keeping straight and immediately saw a difference. These houses looked way nicer than the ones he saw on his usual route. "I should come this way often."


Daishou hugged himself and rubbed his arms, even though he was wearing a jacket, as it was starting to get a little cold. He had been walking a little over 20 minutes since his house was about, 30 from Hiroo's. He started to get kind of creeped out about his surroundings, as the orange streetlights made everything eerie-looking. Thankfully, he saw someone running. He let out a sigh of relief and put a little more pep in his step.

That was, until he slowly started to see who was running. His fear came back tenfold and he held his head low, hoping they'd just walk past each other. Unfortunately, Daishou can never have peace and Kuroo stopped right in front of him. Daishou gulped and slowly lifted his head, looking Kuroo in his eyes. He was breathing heavily and staring at Daishou kind of.. puzzled.

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