A Housecat, The Stray and Phantom Gods, and a Tail

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Hope you all enjoy the first chapter because this took FOREVER to make.

At a middle school, mysterious, unseen ghostly-like eyeballs appear around in a classroom as students stress over their prepararions for college entrance exams. Some think how ridiculous the exams are, while others think they have to study to do their best and some want to have fun. In another classroom, a girl sits with her head hanging low as she endures bullying from her classmates who were picking on her. The girl hesitantly turns her head to the window, as her classmates resumed throwing insults at her, when a enormous manta ray-like Phantom appears outside the building. Filled with fear, the girl begins to pray.

Girl: Help me... Help me, God!

On a different part of the building, two dark figures gaze at the enormous phantom. The first figure has onyx-colored hair and black eyes with yellow iries and black pupils. He wears a black coat over a black shirt with black pants and a pair of black shoes. He has a white mask with a black eye symbol to the side of his head. The second figure, who was a flipping a five-yen coin, wears a navy tracksuit that has a small golden crown on the right side and a pair of brown boots. He wears a faded blue scarf with tears around his neck.

Yato: Your prayer has been heard loud and clear.

(YN): A phantom-slaying job. Now I see why you called me.

Two girls stand beside (YN) wear beige coats over white long sleeved shirts under black blazers, along with blue skirts with two black stripes near the bottom, black long pants and brown shoes. They too have white masks with the same eye symbol as (YN). The other girl standing beside Yato wears a dark red kimono with light purple vertical stripes and a pink scarf around her shoulders.

Itami: Ah, phantoms. Second favorite monsters to kill in this world!

Kurumi: What's the first?

Itami: Killing criminals with you and (YN)-sama!

Kurumi smiles and giggles at her phantom sister's high enthusiasm for killing. She takes in the massive size of the phantom that's nearly wrapped around the entire school.

 She takes in the massive size of the phantom that's nearly wrapped around the entire school

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Kurumi: Ara, ara. Look at the size of that thing. Have you seen a Phantom like that before, (YN)-san?

(YN): Never. Not even your brothers, Asomi and Nozomi, saw one of that size. But if they did, they'd be surprised. This is the biggest one I've seen in my life.

Itami: (YN)-sama's "phantom" is the biggest one we've seen.

Kurumi giggles at her phantom sister's joke.

(YN): And you two will have the honor of seeing it again later tonight.

Kurumi & Itami: Yay!

Itami: That'll be the best time to do that, Nee-san!

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