Fallacy | 16

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"I'm getting too worried now," Aether quietly groaned as he forced himself to keep walking

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"I'm getting too worried now," Aether quietly groaned as he forced himself to keep walking. He didn't care if his feet burned, he cared only to know if his friend, you, were safe.

He and Diluc hadn't stopped all night, determined to get to Liyue Harbour as fast as possible. The detour to Wangshu Inn took away precious time from their journey and they needed to make up for it. Diluc hadn't uttered a word to create small talk or even complain, it seemed even he was focused on your safety.

"Don't worry, Aether." Paimon's voice was sad too, a concerned coo laced in her words. "We know how strong and capable Y/N is, I bet she's doing perfectly okay!"

"I hope so," was Aether's quiet response.

He sighed.

Paimon attempted to make small talk within the quiet that proceeded for a while until Diluc finally spoke up, though his words weren't pleasant to the ears. His words came as they passed through the South grassy tracks, coming closer to the harbour but not enough to see it.

"Ahead, that's Y/N!" His words caused both Aether and Paimon to crane their necks in the direction Diluc pointed them towards. "She's hurt!"

All eyes were on you, and the man who hovered over you.


They only saw Childe's smile as he stared down at you, slowly crouching as he reached out and held your face where it seemed blood ran in trickles.

It only took that smile--that action for Diluc to charge forward with no second thought.

Aether and Paimon practically tumbled down the hill after Diluc, shock coursing through their bodies at the sight of Childe and you. Though Aether swore to himself he didn't think Childe would hurt you but from the brief look...

He decided he wouldn't risk it and followed the furious redhead in front, who had pulled out his claymore and dragged it along at his hip, both hands tightly wrapped around it.

Paimon let out a shocked squeal as Diluc dived straight into Childe, forcing all his weight into the other man. This caused both to barrel roll away from you, groans and swears filling the surroundings.

Paimon floated to you, eyes wide at the wounds on your skin. "Y/N!" She shuck your shoulder, forcing your eyes to trail to hers, "are you okay? What happened? What did he do!?"

You could hear the panic in her voice, the raspiness from squealing at the sight of you. Her face was concerned and tears threatened to drop. "I'm okay," you whispered.

Knees skidded next to you as the sounds of weapons clanking filled the air. "Y/N..." Aether grabbed your hand, "I'm sorry we're late, I'm sorry Im not a good enough friend." he was panicked, blaming himself for your mistreatment. "I didn't think he would do this to you--"

"He di--" you passed out before you could finish your words.


"Y/N? Y/N?! Wake up!" Paimon and Aether began to shout at your sudden blackout, shaking you to wake.

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