Habit | 20

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Thank you so much for 500 reads! Here's a chapter in thanks ^_^


Y/N smiled fondly at the man in front of her and Childe. A man that was known to them but at the same time, on the level of a stranger. It was bizarre for him to be both friend and well, not. But he was incredibly mysterious in ways she could not quite understand, there was just something...too proper about him. Childe would occasionally suggest he knew what she didn't, something he (the golden-eyed man) would reveal when the time was right. Childe just enjoyed teasing and claiming he was closer to him than her.

The man, as known to her as Zhongli was a funeral parlour consultant yet Childe seemed to work with the man quite often or at least do business. Maybe it was the death that surrounded being a Harbinger--Y/N wasn't sure. She didn't think it was down to that and when she asked, Childe would shy away from it, muttering something about contracts and Mora. So, Y/N took it with a pinch of salt, she knew if she needed to know she would be told.

She also could feel the immense power the man gave off as if he could snap her in half, yet his calming attitude said otherwise. It was confusing and jarring.

Zhongli's eyes looked past both Y/N and Childe, scanning the area behind them. His eyes were serious and focused, as always. "Are you aware of your little carry-along?"

"Mm, that little mouse wants to know about us." Childe grinned wide, moving over to Zhongli's side to throw an arm over his shoulders. Y/N smirked at his carelessness even around a man that seemed to reak of power.

The man seemed to seize up having physical contact, attempting to shrug Childe off of his shoulders with a mildly annoyed look on his face. "What is it?" He asked bluntly, facing Childe.

"You know," Childe started, eyes shifting from Zhongli to the blue-haired man, "I'm sure you would dislike a little mouse roaming through your home, nibbling at your feet with every step you take. A squeak here and there as you utter a small breath. A mouse that is relentless and a nuisance."

"Childe, I do not think--"

"My hands are to stay clean," Childe murmured, loud enough that Y/N could hear, leaving bypassers in the dark. "Liyue is but a stop for me, us," he looked to Y/N briefly, "but your home is being invaded. For it may be us he seeks but sooner or later, especially now we have been spotted communicating, you will be his next target for information."

Childe's smirk turned full as he took away his arm and adjusted Zhongli's long jacket.

"I'm sure you don't want to be exposed, my friend."

Manipulation. It was something Y/N knew Childe was capable of. He was always prepared with information to help his cause or if not, he managed to bullshit his way to places. He could use the smallest of suggestions to lead a conversation his way, so he would win...just like in a fight.

Somehow Zhongli was in Childe's pocket. This powerful feeling man would succumb to Childe's want, Y/N could sense that. But the mysterious reason as to why still wasn't in her knowledge. Apart from knowing the small details, she liked this man, he had a sense of knowledge and humbleness that she wishes to have close by. She found him to be kind when she had moments with him, yet at the same time, he seemed to have so much hidden. So seeing him be manipulated into doing as Childe pleases both didn't bother her, yet caused her to stir a slight pot of sadness.

"I will do something minimal." The golden-eyed man spoke after a while, finally managing to shrug the ginger off his shoulders. "I expect an agreed-upon amount as of the past."

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