Formerly | 19

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Heads up so there is limited confusion: the next two chapters are entirely in third person instead of second person. Hence there is no 'you' format.


"A smile is worth a million Mora." He smirked as he leaned down on the bar, a hand holding up his chin. That smile of his was notoriously known for its suggestive or cunning meaning. It was his biggest weapon but also his weakness...if you could see through it, that is. At any and every instance, his lips formed a smirk, a smile, a grin or even a lopsided twinkle; each one perfect.

Very few saw through his lips, and very few weren't trapped by his seemingly innocent or...not so innocent ways. It was something he had learned could be powerful and get him places.

Though of course, he couldn't lie and say it always worked. There was some, rarely, who couldn't be faltered by him. He knew his brother saw through him but that was just because they grew together. Keeping secrets from family is harder to do than others but maybe his brother didn't know exactly what was hidden behind his smiles, only that something was. Hence, the man was ignorant towards him and the woes they fought against each other were worse each time.

Forgetting family, there was a woman too. A woman to who he had expressed his grin and charm but yet never phased her--a bashful retort sure, but never falling into his desires, his plans. It made him interested, intrigued as to why she held such powerful walls and who she was.

It didn't take him long to discover who she was (his informants provided well), it was a surprise, to say the least, but it only caused him to want to know even more about her, to want to wedge himself in her life and possibly, into her other life too.

She was in the Fatui ranks, which, sure, was unexpected, but her true identity--a trainee Harbinger, was much more fascinating.

"I'd prefer a million Mora over a smile," she rolled her eyes with a subtle smile on her face. She was friendly, her lips showed so and her eyes held a purity that he couldn't guess if that was a ploy or not in the same way his smiles held secrets. It was just so intriguing.

"I'm sure your need for a million Mora is unnecessary." His eyes followed her body from top to bottom, catching onto the expensive fabrics of her clothing and jewellery. "Somehow I can see so."

"Mmmh," she pulled her drink towards her, taking a long chug.

He watched her intently, as he always did, eyes ready to notice any detail about her, whether simple or not.

He knew she bore a cryo vision like himself, it was never fully exposed, neatly within a fold of her cloak. He was unsure as to why but never asked--as his smile didn't seem to deter his alternate aims, his questioning wouldn't seem innocent enough.

"Kaeya, your eyes are doing that weird puppy-dog-look-thing again." She laughed, her cheeks lightly blushed in red, "and your smile is soooo fake. I don't know how many times I have to tell you, it doesn't work on me."

She was tipsy this time, that was for sure. Her eyes, still pure, wandered too quickly, their focus distracted by the smallest of things and her smile was amusing.

"I know, I know, Y/N." He moved back in his seat but kept his smile. "It's always worth a shot, no? And I'm sure my smile is much better than Mora--otherwise, I'm very much so offended."

"Be offended," she grinned wide, her teeth gleaming.

Kaeya took out a material bag from his pocket and pulled out a single Mora, sliding it across the wooden bar and in front of his drinking buddy. He left his arm on the bar in a relaxed position after. "1 Mora, many more to come seen as you won't accept my smiles."

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