❤️Partner In Question: You were here all along!❤️

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"Stella, can I have a minute of your time."  An unfamiliar voice disturbs me as I prepare to leave.

"What do you want?" I ask distracted, not even turning around to see the face of the interloper. 

It was already getting late, and I needed to reach the other end of the town in 30 minutes. To add salt to the wound, my bicycle chain was stuck. Why couldn't things go right just for this one time?

"I wanted to talk about the group project in physic-" He starts to explain.

"Physics group project? You must be Mr. Winters then, my partner." I cut off his statement, gaining a grasp of the situation. I don't know his full name, but I am sure his last name is 'Winters'. 

I still don't turn to face him, and continue to struggle with that unyielding cycle chain. God, why did the bloody bicycle decide to be so uncooperative today of all days.

"Let me get that." Winters says as if answering her prayers and gently pushes her aside to fix the chain. "And yes, I am your partner."

I should thank him probably, but I am too focused on the bloody bicycle chain to say anything. Please, please, please let this be fixed, I pray.

"So, you want to talk about the project?" I ask, not at all interested to discuss academics but only doing it out of courtesy.

"Yes, it would be easier if we decide who will be doing the present-" Winters replies as he flexes with the cycle chain.

"I understand your concern and don't worry we'll talk tommorow. Today, I need to meet someone." I say firmly.

"This 'someone' must be important to Stella then, seeing you are so eager." Winters says, a touch of something odd in his voice.

"Yes, yes they are." I reply and an unconscious smile spreads across my face as my thoughts drift towards the much awaited meeting.

"There, it is fixed." Winters says after a minute, a touch of pride colouring his voice. And sure enough, the chain was perfectly sitting where it was supposed to be. 

A slow grin stretches across my face and I almost want to hug Winters and thank him. 

I get up from my crouching position and look around to notice a group of girls gossiping. Urgh, don't they have anything else to do, other than giggling like lunatics while looking at others.

I notice Winters moved a few steps away from my cycle, giving me space to freely access my bicycle. I board my bicycle ready to leave. "Thank you for your help, Mr. Winters. Word of advice, it is better if you don't address me so familiarly, you never know the ridiculous rumours people come up with." I say and start cycling.

Winters seems like a decent guy, and if he was one of those popular guys I can only imagine the rumours. Only then do I realise, I still haven't seen my partner's face. I glance back, hoping to catch a glimpse of Winter's face, but it seems he has already left.

I sigh and double back on the speed to reach my destination. I already wasted so much time.

Cool breeze touches my skin and I am immersed in memories. Memories of him. Today, I am finally going to meet him.

After 2 years of online friendship where we bickered and teased each other, I am finally going to meet Damon. Damon was a constant in my life, someone I could turn to when my social anxiety got too much.

He was always just a message away, giving me courage to face the world at a time when I was shutting myself from everyone.

I finally make my way and look around for him, I have seen his photo before so I know I can recognize him.

"You are late, Stella." Damon says startling me, his tone teasing. And I can't help but think that he looks beautiful in real life than a photo.

"Damon! Give me a break Mr. Rich, I don't have chauffer to drive me around the city." I reply grinning. It is so easy to fall back into their teasing and bickering when it is just the two of them.

"How many times should I tell you to not call me Mr. Rich?" Damon says a smile playing at his lips as he ruffles my hair.

"Your voice now that I hear it directly, sounds different. Almost as if I have met you somewhere before." I query all of a sudden.

"You meeting me?! Nah, I am pretty sure you have never seen my face before today." He says and I feel like he is not being entirely truthful.

"Maybe. Anyway did you watch that new movie..." I say and we fall back into chatting about mundane things.

Time passes before we realize and suddenly it is dark out. We talk about many things from the smallest of likes and dislikes to our friends and family life. Too soon and I don't want to leave.

"I guess I must return, anymore late my mother would be on my case." I say bringing up the uncomfortable topic.

"Wait, I need to ask you something." Damon says and I meet his eyes giving my full attention. He cups my cheek "I value our friendship, but I can't help but wonder if we could be more. So, answer me, do you want us to be more. Do you want us to be... lovers?"

He voiced something I would never have the courage to say, and I am all the more grateful to him. "Yes. If there was ever a person I could fall in love with, it would be you. So, I can't wait for you take me on a proper date next time Damon."

His eyes are glowing with happiness. "Tommorow then, it will be a surprise. I will come pick you up." Damon says and promptly gives a peck on my cheek.

"Wait, where will you pick me up?" I ask, when I see him leaving. My cheeks are red and my voice quivers with embarrassment and joy.

"Patience, love. Tommorow means tommorow." Damon says and runs off. Him and his secrets. I am sure I can pull every secret out of him given time.

Then next day I wait for Winters at the parking stand, hoping the meeting would end swiftly then I could be free to see Damon's 'surprise' plans.

"Ms. Summers, are you free to talk about the group project now." Damon's(?) voice startles me out of my reverie.

"Damon, what are you..." I notice Damon's wearing the same school uniform. "Mr. Winters... Damon?" I ask confused.

"Damon Winters, at your service." Damon says and takes my hand to press a light kiss as if he were some gentleman.

'Oh, oh! So this is what he was hiding.' I realize too lately.

"Stella Summers, it is a pleasure to officially meet my boyfriend and project partner." I reply, playing along with his dramatics. 

We both burst out laughing in the end, marking a joyful beginning to our love.

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