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"Hey Lily." Renjun called out. His sudden calling making her look back as she raises a brow at him to continue talking. Placing the watering can down as she puts her full attention on him.
"Yes, do you need something Renjun?" She answers.

"I need your intake on something. I was thinking over whether I should participate on the art exhibition thing and did some research. Turns out that the one who is organising this whole event is the famous painter, Xu Li hua."
That name making Lily go silent.
"Oh and what about that painter?" She questions as he continued to talk.
"At first I was a bit doubtful to participate but after finding out that she was the one behind this, I kinda changed my mind. She's one of my favourite artists, her work are all so amazing!" Renjun's tone in speaking changing when talking about the painter. It was obvious that he was really excited by the way that he spoke. His eyes shining when talking about her.

"Xu Li hua, I think her work are mid. There's nothing really special about it. I don't understand what you're so excited about." Lily responded as he looks at her offended. Outraged that she had just insulted his idol.
"Lily!" He gasps dramatically whilst holding onto her shoulders, staring at her in disbelief.
"You don't understand how art works! Her work is literally amazing, a masterpiece. Sometimes I wonder how she manages to paint everything with her own hands."
"But isn't writing another form of art? Art is not only related to drawing you know?" She retorted as he looks at her frantically.
"Yes, there are different forms of art. It doesn't just specifically stick to one thing, but you called THE Xu Li hua's work mid. How am I supposed to react to that?! If you would've done art then you'd know how significant her artworks are." He says as she only rolls her eyes at him.

"Enough about this famous painter. What do you want my intakes on? Oh and could you please let go of my shoulders, you're really close to me right now."
"Oh right, sorry about that." He quickly let's go of her before clearing his throat.
"I just wanted to ask you if I should yknaw take part... in this exhibition hehe.."

"I mean, yeah go ahead. Participate. You're really passionate about this whole thing. Who knows, you might even get to meet this Xu Li hua person if your work gets selected."
"You really think so?" He says as she nodded her head.
"Well I for one don't know anything about art, I just know how to write. But if you taking part and being able to meet your idol is a way that'll make you happy then go for it. Anything is possible."

--- 💐

"I'm home." Closing the front door as she made her way up the stairs of her giant house. She had just gotten back from work, only having a few hours to rest before having to head out for her evening classes. She went over to this one particular room, a large flower garland hung on the door as she knocks on it. Waiting for permission to enter.

"Come in." The soft voice coming from inside giving her the sign to enter. She enters the room, seeing her mother stood in front of a large canvas. Her dress splattered in paint, though she was still wearing an apron, she still somehow manages to get the paint on her clothes.

"What is the Xu Li hua working on today?" She asks, saying her mothers full name to flatter her. Teasing her mother as she treats her like some sort of celebrity.
"I'm working on a new painting that I'll be showcasing at the exhibition." Her mother replies before smiling at her daughter.
"Pretty isn't it?" Her mother asks as Lily only nods her head. Though she didn't really understand what the painting meant.
"Just like all your other flower paintings." She answers before sitting down on the couch.

"Do you know how many artists that you'd be accepting for this year's exhibition?" Lily asks as she watches her mother paint.
"Around 20? I wanted to accept more but my manager told me that over 200 plus people have participated and they wanted to get the best works displayed as soon as possible." Her mothers answer making Lily look at her in surprise.
She didn't know that many people took part. Now she was getting scared for Renjun. What if his work didn't get chosen.

"Why'd you ask dear?"
"Oh there's this guy who also works at the flower shop with me who's planning to participate. He really looks up to you, got offended when I said your work was average pshhh." Lily blowing her cheeks at the end as she crosses her arms grumpily.
Her mother couldn't help surpass a giggle.
"Of course he'd react like that. What would you do if I said that your favourite writers work was not that good?" Her mother tried to reason as Lily quickly looks at her with a frown on her face.
"I would be mad!!" She answers as yet again, the older women just laughs.
"Exactly. I know you've seen hundreds of my paintings and don't really see the significance in them, but you'll realise how art works soon. It's like reading between the lines when you're reading a book, you find a hidden meaning behind the work." She patted Lily's head as the girl just sat there. She looks over at her mother's painting, staring at it intensely as she tried to find a meaning behind it. But to no use.

The girl messes her hair up in frustration. Her headache coming back.

"Reading between the lines is easier cause there's words written around it. But a painting, you actually have to try and understand it. Its confusing." She complains.
"Maybe you should try harder then."

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