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Everything went great at the date, Yuna said that we should go on a double date again


I don't want to, me and Dino we're just 4th wheeling. Pretending to be a couple that loves each other

But at least me and Dino had a conversation too, while they ordered, we talked about how cringe they are

So me and Dino decided to be friends

My phone started ringing.. Its Yuna

Me: Hello?
Yuna: UNNIE!
Me: What?!?
Yuna: Can you come to another date with us tomorrow?





I don't have time to study anymore..

Me: Sure!
Yuna: Thanks! See you tomorrow Lia!
Me: Hey! What happened to unnie?
Yuna: *giggles* sorry unnie
Me: It's fine, but when is the date tomorrow?
Yuna: The same time as earlier
Me: Ah okay, goodnight Yuna
Yuna: Goodnight, I have to sleep now for the date! Bye Lia!

She said and ended the call

This girl..

My phone vibrated and it was a text message from Ryujin

Shin Gorilla: Unnie
Me: Wae?
Shin Gorilla: Can you pick me up?
Me: Isn't that Yeji's job or yours?
Shin Gorilla: Well..
Me: ?
Shin Gorilla: I'm in a police station
Me: PARDON ME?!?!?
Shin Gorilla: If your wondering how im chatting i snuck my phone in the cell and Yeji is with me
Me: What did you two do?
Shin Gorilla: Well we got into a fight with two men because they were trying to hit on Yeji and me then i fought them and they were injured badly and then they went to the police and told that WE were trying to hit on them and they were the "victims" they even said we had a smell of alcohol
Me: Alright ill be there
Shin Gorilla: Thanks i wuv you

No wonder she isn't here yet, she always comes back quickly after a date

I ran downstairs and quickly skated to the police station

I went inside "Annyeonghaseyo, is Shin Ryujin and Hwang Yeji here?" I asked to the police officer "Ne, are you a guardian to them?" he asked "I'm a friend" I told him

"Ah, okay" he said as he grabs the keys to the cell and opened it, Ryujin and Yeji left the cell "You two are lucky you have a friend like her" the man said

"Ne, gamsahamnida" we all said and left the police station. Yeji got in a taxi and me and Ryujin got in a bus

I looked at my phone and it's already 11.. Time is so fast wtf...

I felt something on my shoulder and it was just a sleeping Ryujin, I woke her up because we are near my house

"Ryujinnie" I said and shamed her and she woke up "What?" she asked "We're almost there now" I said "Then wake me up when we're there" she said and closed her eyes

I got up as the door opens automatically and people went inside. I dragged Ryujin, she groaned at me who is half awake at the moment

We left the bus and started to run still holding Ryujin with a hard grip

"Do we have to run?" she asked "Of course" I said "It's for you're health, you can get a higher risk of type 2 diabetes" I added

"Oh.." she said "Then let's do this a lot, I'm too beautiful to die.." she said "Good thing that you know" I said


I stayed up to study because I didn't study yesterday and it's fine because today is a Saturday

I looked over at the pile of books at my left side and looked at my right side, I only have 1 book left to study. Which is history

I'm lucky I have a visual memory

If not then, I am screwed. Ryujin came in my room and fell onto my bed, she stretched loudly

"Um, excuse me? I'm trying to study" I spoke "And I'm trying to relax" she said "Shouldn't you be with Yeji right now?" I asked "Yeah, but isn't she you're friend?" she asked

"Yeah" I replied "Then she's studying right now because she couldn't yesterday" she said "K" I said and took my history book

"So how's it going with Yuna?" she asked as I felt her smirk "Again, we are not dating do I have to tell you a million times? And besides she's dating someone" I said "Oh, who's she dating?" she asked "Lee Chaeryeong" I responded

"Chaeryeong?!?!" she said surprised "Yeah, you know her?" I asked "Yeah, I had an affair with her, I told you that, remember?" she said "Oh, yeah!" I said "Now, shut up, cause I have to study" I added

"Fine" she said, I took my headphones in case Ryujin might disturb me. I played IU today

And I got a text from Yuna

Yuna: Unnie!!
Me: I thought it was Lia now?
Yuna: Sorry abt that hihi
Me: Its fine lol now what is it?
Yuna: Are you free today?
Like right now?
Me: Why?
Yuna: Im bored
Me: What about chat Chaeryeong?
Yuna: She's still sleeping
Me: Ok, then what about watch something on YouTube?
Yuna: Nothing is good to watch rn
Me: Then watch TV?
Yuna: Boring
Me: Then watch Netflix
Yuna: I want to but i already finished every show i watched there
Me: Oh ok, then do you have friends?
Yuna: No i lost my friends because they called me a f****** tomboy
Me: Did you just self censored the f word? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Yuna: Today is not a time to laugh im bored 😢
Me: I can't right now Yuna I have to study :/
Yuna: I thought you have a visual memory
Me: I do but I want to be advance and study the topic
Yuna: Ah ok ill pick you up now bye unnie!!!
Me: What? Yuna I said no!

I placed down my phone and quickly started to read every chapter of the new lesson

Yuna's POV

I got my skateboard and left the house

I skated to Lia unnie's but I felt kinda awkward, it felt like she doesn't want to hang out with me because of Chaeryeong..

But I know she isn't like that, she would still hang out with me even if I'm dating Chaeryeong. Right?


I have nothing to worry about, Lia is a pure hearted and kind person

I shook those thoughts off and proceeded with the positive

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