Prologue (Part 1)

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9 years ago...

*It was a dark, and a stormy night, the sound of rain continues as the limosuine drives at its limit.*

???: Father?
???: Yes son?
???: Where are we going? Its super dark now... I want to sleep..
???: I'll let you know.. just rest..
???: Huh?? Ok dad!

*After an hour, they arrived to a very narrow village, with few houses, with faint lights, the storm continues to scream as both the father and son closes the limo and gets an umbrella*

???: Father, i'm scared... i wanna go home please! The thunder is so loud!!! Please!
???: Don't worry Link, i'll be here, the storm isn't as bad as it sounds.
Link: Huh?

*He scratches his head while his knees starts to shiver from the cold rain, later, they started to walk, and approached a very old cabin*

???: Pick up the pace son, the storm gets louder.

Link: Father, we need to hurry!

*They soon arrive at the cabin, where they met an old man, around his 40's, he had a very ripped coat, with spiky hair, and an eyepatch, Link was frightened.*


ink: Dad!! Who is this man?!! He looks scary!!

*The father didn't answered, he walked towards the scientist and hugged him. He then gave the scientist a very peculiar key, and the talked in whisphers.*

Scientist: Jerry, are you really sure about this? This is really risky-
The press, the media, it- it would simply tear the company and the factory itself!

Jerry: You think I haven't thought of that? God.. i am sure of this. Anything to protect the family, and the company. It's my life's work, and i'd rather die than to see the company abondoned.

Scientist: I ain't good at this, but i think I can manage this little fellow.

*The scientist then tried to approach Link, in a very smirky grin, and with yellow gloves, the sound of storm adds up to Link's fear. He looked at his father, but he was already gone.*

Scientist: You'll be in good care kiddo.

Link: Wh- what?? Dad?!
Link: DAD??
Link: NO NO-
Link: DAD!! FATHER!!

*He then saw the limo driving away from the cabin. Link was devestated. He didn't have time to even process what really just happened and why.*



*He cried out aloud, and with no choice, he started to run away as fast as he could. With no idea where he is and where is he running to, all in his mind is how was he gonna escape from the tall man. He then saw a large garbage box. With no hesitation, he straightly jumped inside the box and hid. He covered his hand and stayed inside. Covered with fear and shock, he then cried.*

Scientist: Oh fuck-
Scientist: Oh nonono... Jerry will kill me for this-
Scientist: Damn it.

*Waiting for the man to leave, Link
then sighed a bit of relief.*

Link: Wh-why did father left me.. does he love me? What about mommy.. I don't wanna be here... I wanna be with my friends.. and my toys... and my drawings... What even is this place..

*He then took a nap after the storm ended. Leaving tears as he closed his eyes.*


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