Chapter 2 - Convenience Store

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Mark: Get what you want.

*Link hurriedly rushed to the sweet food section, full of candies and crackers, a large variety of choices. He looked from one shelf to another, picking the right one.*

Link: Nah that's not it.... noo that tastes sour, wonder how that ended up here... geeez there are so many to chose fro-

*He bumps into a little girl of 6, licking an ice cream, they both stared at each other for a while, very awkward,then Link stood up and the girl talked when he was about to leave*

Girl: Ah remember that time when Dr. Pinkie decided to cut thru ice cream monsters and Proffesor Wiggles!
Link: Wha-

*He then left the girl and continue on the search, sweet after sweet, cracker after cracker.. he can say he was getting tired of it. At last, he found the perfect sweet. "Strawberry Fudge Cake!" One of Link's favorite food, he reached the cakr but in a flash someone took the cake instead.*

Link: Huh? W-where's the cake?? I just saw it?

*He looked around the area, and then he saw the same girl, smiling while holding his beloved cake bar.*

Girl: See? My boyfriend broke up with me cause he liked cartoons more than me! (She rips open the cake bar and stuffed it into her small mouth.) Then, Vanessa tried to take Mr. Snuggles away from me!

*Link could only watch her eat his cake and was disappointed to see saw, he then headed to the slushie area and took a large paper cup, he chose the one that says "Orange Burst!" While waiting, he looked around the convenience store.*

Link: Sure do people don't come here on Sundays, strange huh.. It's a chill place here though... wait... my hand feels cold.. seems like-

*The cup was already filled with orange, it was too much it dropped on Link's hand. He quickly turned the slushie machine off and took a cap to close the cup.*

Link: Ah shoot! Dang it! Oh well...

*He approached their table when he saw Mark and a girl running away from him.*

~~ 2 minutes earlier ~~

Girl: Huh-
Mark: *stares*
Girl: Hellloooooo
Mark: *stares*
Girl: Why are you staring at me?
Mark: *stares*
Girl: Guhh??
Mark: *blinks an eye*

~~ Present ~~

Link: Erm, what happened to you?
Mark: Nothing, did you pick something?
Link: Yeah, this slushie. I'll buy some noodles too, i can pay for those.
Mark: Alright, i'll pay for this one then.
Link: Wait- can you just pay for the noodles also?
Mark: *leaves*
Link: Man.

*Mark then saw a long line, which was weird at first, but Mark didnt bother. He saw a shelf of magazines beside him. He took a magazine while holding the slushie. Flipping the pages. He saw perfume advertisements. "Scratch this page then smell the scent!" He starts scratching it but forgot he cannot smell. He took back the magazine and notice that he was holding up the line.*

Clerk: Sir.... you're standing on the floor.... sir...

*He quickly steps in to the counter and placed the slushie near the man. He had a tag named Daniel, he looked pretty much depressed.*

Mark: ...
Daniel: Y'know, I should have been an actor by now, swimming in fame, and being showered by riches, too bad my manager died before I can even start my first concert. Now I'm just an old man who scans processed food in a convinience store. I hate this fucking life, I need this to change, I need my routine to change too, I don't wanna be a clerk for the rest  of my life... Yeah... I should have been an actor! I'm heading to the auditions!!


He stood up on his table, he spread his arms like a beard, his chest was on front, he looked confident, and was full of pride.*


*And by that, the clerk jumped out to the automatic door, and ran as far as he could. In a moment, the store became a frenzy, everyone was shouting, took what their bags can carry, all that was left was a packet of noodles. Link took it and prepared it right away.*

Link: What a night...

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