Chapter 5 - Amusement Park

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*After the very much chaotic afternoon looking after the children, they decided to call it a day and got paid, went home tired. All was fine after that. Link went on a long bath while Mark decided to watch television. A commercial interrupted the show, announcing the newly opened amusement park, which caught Link's attention. He immediately wore his hoodie and grabbed Mark and rode their bicycle ahead to the park.*

Mark: WOAH- Why the sudden?
Link: Dude, the amusement park just opened! I've been telling you all about it right?
Mark: Aren't you a bit too old for that?
Link: You're never too old for an amusement park! Even that old lady literally rode a rollercoaster.
Mark: Well, you must be very hyped, it seemse you're riding the bike faster than me.
Link: Very, hyped my brother. I've been saving alot for this, everyone in town, it's on the news!
Link: WAAAH-

*After dodging some trucks, they finally arrived the park. Sounds of children laughing and shouting, running around in circles, the loud music, the amusement park was almost packed with people. Link was stunned and amazed. Holding Mark's  hand, they both stepped in and entered the gates. They got their bracelets on their wrists and Mark did a quick scan of the place. He took a plain box and started to draw on it, later made a map of the amusement park. Link decided to start with cotton candy. He ran and bought two big fluffs of pibk cotton candy. They look so sweet and as soft as clouds. Link took a bit and was delighted. He handed out a piece of cotton candy to Mark, which confused him.*

Mark: What is this cloud like substance in your hands? It looks like dyed cotton.
Link: You don't know these? These are cotton candy! They taste so sweet! You should try one!
Mark: I'm not sure, I don't think that would be- (Link placed a piece in his mouth, and melted.) Ooooh! These do taste very well. Give me a piece, I'd like to taste more.
Link: Sure!

*It didn't took long for Mark to finish 2 fluffs of cotton candy, Link can tell Mark really loves cotton candy, so he asked him to move already. The sparkling lights and the joyful tunes continues as the two walked around the place. They went to the Game Corner, where alot of games and prizes were found. Holding 5 dollars, he approached the nearest game stand, it had a large swimming pool, with rubber ducks that had numbers on its bottom. Looking at the rules, if the picked duck has a number higher than 5, the player will receive a prize. If the number is below 5, the player will give the carny 5 dollars. Link gave the man 3 dollars. He gave him a long stick with a hook. Within 4 minutes, Link had already picked up 10 ducks, everyone was stunned at the boy. He was given a large teddy bear the size half of him. He enjoyed the game much, it was Mark's turn. He managed to catch all ducks in the swimming pool. The carny, who was in disbelief, decided to kick the two before they take all the prizes. They laughed much as they ran away. Mark looked around and saw a game with a hammer and a bell. The carny in charged laughed at them. He was looking away as he noticed his hammer was on Mark's hands. The carny crossed his hands as he told them that teenagers wouldn't even manage to reach the first line. But as soon as he finished his words. The moving dot was very fast, so strong that it broke the bell itself. The carny's jaw dropped as he can't believe what just happened. Still, he shook hands with Mark and gave him 20 dollars and a free ride ticket. Link searched through their map. There were plenty of choices.*

Link: Oooh ooh! This ride looks interesting! Look! We can ride in this mini boat and paddle around this lake!
Mark: As if I will do the paddling...
Link: Damn..
Link: There's this tower with falling chairs in it! We can ride there!
Mark: And you fainting in the seat? Please-
Link: Oh? Well what if you were to pick a ride then? You must be the master of choices huh?
Mark: Boy I do have something in mind.

Link: ....
Link: "Happy Unicorn Ride Seat!" ???
Mark: Weee! This seat looks safe! We can go up and down!
Link: Wha- dude- like are you serious? This is literally for 6 years old.
Mark: You told me to pick a ride remember?
Link: Well, I can't argue with that huh. Enjoy your ride I guess, i'll walk around the place for a while.
Mark: Say we meet at the boat ride at 5?
Link: Yeah, see you later tin can!

Link P.O.V

*I looked at Mark while he was riding the unicorn ride. It wasn't one of my prefered rides, but it was sure happy to see him smile, he looked like he enjoyed it too. That's a rare scene. I slowly left the ride and looked a ride for myself. I went to a food stand to buy fries as I saw someone who walked to the counter and had a black cap. He had shades and a black jacket with a tiger on it. I didn't think much of it while waiting for the fries to get cooked. Then, I heard his voice. That.. voice.. It sounded, so.. familiar.. It was something that happened a while ago.. My heart started to beat faster, as if I was feeling, scared? How? I looked at the counter to see that the man had disappeared. He left a note in the bench thought. Since he was nowhere to be seen, I picked up the note. "You" and a strange symbol. I felt chills as I read that. The cook then called my name for the fries. I folded the paper and hid the note in my cap. I returned back with the fries to the ride. And then I saw him holding my teddy bear plushie. He made a peace sign and chuckled.*

Mark: Link! Where have you been? It's been ten minutes and 5 seconds since you left, did something happen?
Link: Huh? Oh, nothing, the fries took so long to cook heh.
Mark: ...
Mark: Are you lying?
Link: What? No- I mean, look! The line's almost finished! We can go there!
Mark: Alright then.

Mark P.O.V.

*Me and Link were almost to the boat. The worker there seemed tired and sleepless. I gave him a mint candy. Link's legs were shaking, as if he was nervous. But still, he entered the boat and patted the seat next to him, I went in too. We both sat and had our seatbelts on. The bell rang 3 times as the boat rocks slowly, after time, it got faster and we were swinging around. Link got the hype up and started to raise his hands so high and screamed. He was shaking and all and hugged me. After that he grabbed me to rhe next ride. Of course it was a water themed ride. Guess who has to pedal? Me. We went on for 6 minutes for that. I can say I felt tired for that ride huh. I suddenly tripped and felt dizzy. We sat down for a while in this cool bench. Then I saw the best ride. I decided to run there with Link. The amusement park's gonma close soon.*

Link: The ferris wheel? Oh! That's actually a good ride!

Mark: Correct, many people here has enjoyed the lovely large ride. We should probably get in before it closes.

*They both entered the ferris wheel carts, what was waiting for them on top was a very beautiful scene of the place. Colorful lights and fireworks in the sky, and the breeze was so chill. They were both amazed and enjoyed this last ride. Link forgot about the note as well, but he may notice it sooner. He felt more relaxed and laid back, the scattering fireworks was eye candy. It was an unforgettable ride.*



"I found them"

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