Potter Manor, and Elves?

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"You will have a childhood full of joy, laughter and most importantly, love" Harry just went on this long speech about love. I was standing outside the door. He said something I've recently found. He couldn't be talking about me could he?

"That was beautiful Harry" I tell him walking in making my presence known.
"You heard all of that?"


He dropped me of at my house then went to gringotts probably sorting out Teddy's money. He came back and told me some interesting news.

"Let's go" he said holding out his arm."

"Where?" I asked him

"I went to gringotts and found out my parents had a mansion that always passes down to the oldest living Potter. That's me. That's were my dad grew up and that's were I want Teddy to grow up."

We went down said bye to Andromeda and appratted to Potter Manor. I looked at the house.

"Holy shit Harry you have to be richer then the Malfoys. Maybe even the Lestranges" I mean the place was freaking huge.

We went in and the place was spotless. Then two cracks were heard and we saw two house elfs, one boy and one girl

"Hello Master Potter" squeaked the girl "I'm Minnie and this is Mickey" they said bowing. "We knew you would be back it is an honor to see you again"

"I'm sorry I don't remember you" he told them. Two house elf's? I ask myself. Not even the Malfoys or the Blacks had 2.

"No you only lived here for a few months before you went into hiding. We knew you'd be back so we kept up the place" they squeaked.

"Thanks" he said shifting uncomfortably

"He said thanks. Oh he's just as nice as our previous Master" Mickey squeaked.
I realized that must have been his dad.
"Oh Master Harry do you need anything?" Asked him

"Um ya could you get a nursery ready please?" He asked them.

"Oh no need the one you were meant to grow up in is still a nursery. We can take you their if you like."

"Sure thanks that would be great" He told the elves.

We went on a tour of the entire hous... Mansion. Freaking huge, there was a master bedroom, 5 guest rooms, 6 rooms. And a ensuite for every single one of them.

"We got to show this place to everyone" I mutter.

"I agree" he tells me. We leave Teddy with the house elves and quickly come back with Ron and Hermione

"Harry what the, Where are.. Holy crap" Ron said. "Oh it's Harry's family's mansion" I tell them.

We go through an entire house. There awe struck. We go to a room we haven't been in yet. There's chatter behind the door.

We call one of the house elves and and ask what's in this room. "Oh sir that has portraits of all of our previous masters" he tells us. That means Harry's Parents as well.

He opens the door and looked at his entire family going back generations. He focus's on only two. "Mom, dad?" He asks we of the paintings. They stop their convo and turn.

We all go downstairs and let him have a private moment with his parents. We have the house elves bring us some snacks and sit on a really comfy sofa and chairs in one of the living rooms. Yes I said one of them. "This place is huge" exclaims Ron. "I can't believe we never knew about this" he tells us. "I mean so many wizarding stuff he says as he opens a trunk with everything wizard related. There's also a TV, computer, a phone, (Lilly was muggle born) they had every thing I thought.

The house elves were so happy being here they seemed to really love the Potters. We told them to call us by our first names and they loved us. They were cool.

Harry's been up their a long time chatting with his parents. Almost two hours.

Ron had already won three games of wizards chess against me while Hermione read a book from the Potters book shelf.

Not my longest chapter but the next few chapters I want to include will be Harry chatting with his parents, Dudley Dursley, and Hermionie finding her parents in Australia. Lots of different ideas and I'm open to suggestions and constructive criticism alright. Oh and this is a historic day in Canada on May 5th 2015 because a change of Alberta's Provincial government might be coming. A majority government with The New Democratic Party? Could it be? Don't get to cocky because all polls haven't been counted but it looks like it.

After The War A Potter/Weasley storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz