Audrey and Percy

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Percy's POV
I'm looking down. Fred's dead. No. No, no, no, no, no. This can not be happening. I drop to my knees and start crying. For what feels like hours. I know it's stupid but I feel like it's my fault. He was talking to me. I distracted him and he died. Just like that. 'Your fault, your fault' a little voice changed in my head.

When everyone went to bed I apprated out of there.

I went to muggle London. I fled. The muggle world was my refuge now. I used my wand to 'create' some documents about a flat I owned.

My new flat had a small kitchen and a table a living room and a bedroom with a bathroom. I went to bed still in my clothes and fell asleep

I woke up the next day. I had no muggle credentials no muggle contacts but I forged some with my wand and set out to try and find work.

A week later I'm working at a company for phones. I quickly work my way up the ranks. I just dived right in. Working helps me forget. About everything. I didn't really know anything about muggle devices but I did take muggle studies and I'm a fast learner. One day I meet my new coworker.

"She's a trainee" says my boss. "Show her the ropes Weasley" what an odd phrase "get her used to working here" and with that he walks off.

"Hi I'm Audrey Westing" she says holding out her hand for me to shake.

"Percy Weasley" I say shaking her hand.

That was two months ago. We started hanging out and were dating now. I haven't seen my family in two months. I miss them. More then anything. I just cant go back.

She comes over for breakfast one morning. That morning I get a visitor I open the door and it is...

Audrey's POV
I met Percy two months ago. We've been dating. I don't know a lot about his past. Every time I ask he looks at me with haunted eyes and changes the subject. Something is strange. Off about him. He didn't really know what a telephone or a tv was. I think I've heard him use the word muggle before. I really like him but I need some answers. I'm at his house for breakfast when there's a knock on the door.

You expecting anyone?" I ask him.

He just shakes his head. "Who could it be" he muses out loud as he goes to get the door. He opens it and yells

"HARRY." I go to see him. He has black messy hair with deep emerald eyes and a lightning shape scar on his forehead. He looks about 18. He's seems so scrawny but has this weird feeling about him I can't describe it. His eyes looks like he's older then he is. Like he's seen to much.

"Hello Percy can I come in" he asks almost cordially.

"Okay Harry" he sighs not enthusiastically at all. I wonder what's going on between these two.

"So, nice place you got here, and who's this" he asks just noticing my presence. "I'm Audrey, Westing" I introduce myself. "Percy's girlfriend" I elaborate. Percy blushes red. "And you are?"

"My name is Harry Potter"

"How do you know each other"

"I'm dating his sister" he tells me simply.

"Sister. You never mentioned anything about a sister"

"And he has five brothers" Harry speaks up

"Four" Percy speaks quietly. "Four brothers not five"

"That's bull and we both know it" Harry speaks up

I'm about to interrupt I mean four brothers. Why would Harry say five. I'm about to ask what's going on when...

After The War A Potter/Weasley storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz