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Amaria Lowe, 3

"Mommy I'm hungry" I said

"I don't give a fuck" she mumbled pushing the cart

"Wait right here" she told me before walking away from the cart making me scrunch my face up confused

She did this often at the store I just looked around as I waited for her to come she came back with something putting it in the cart

"You're going to grandmas" she told me making me frown

"I don't like it over there grandmas mean and grandp- I don't give a fuck Amaria shut the fuck up" I felt tears build up in my eyes making me wipe them before they fell

"Why you crying you want something to cry about you wanna go to the bathroom?" I shook my head no quickly

"Sorry mama"

"I'm not yo fucking mama" she spat going to buy the food

After she took me to grandmas and left she always took me over here when ever it was her turn to have me

"Why yo momma always bringing you here?" Grandma asked making me shrug

"I know why" she said

"Cause she don't wanna look at yo ass you look just like yo ugly ass daddy"

"My daddy not ugly" I said

"Yes he is just like yo ass" she said walking away from me making me frown

I sat there watching whatever grandpa was watching

"You wanna play our game?" I shook my head no

"It hurts me" I said

"It's gonna hurt sometimes baby" he picked me up kissing my cheek

"That's why you gotta get used to it ok?" I nodded frowning not wanting to play he always made me play whenever I came over

He took us into his room and put me on the bed before closing the door taking his clothes out

"Can we play another time I just wanna watch tv" I said

"No Mari now stop talking before I whoop you" he said pulling my pants off making me frown

Alaysia, 19

"Watchu wanna do for your birthday?" I asked Assad making him shrug he hasn't seen or gotten Mari since that day not because he didn't want to because he was being kept from her

I'm their eyes he was a "threat" to Mari and everyone else he was around but he didn't care he knew he was still gonna get his daughter he just wish he didn't have to wait so long in order to do it

He knew his daughter was being harmed and he couldn't even do anything about it Ik it's been fucking with him so I been tying my hardest to be here and what and who he needs atm

"I just wanna chill with you and Mari and maybe take y'all out to eat" he said

"We'll it's the 15th that's close baby"

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