viente ocho

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"Fuck no."

Nick chuckles, grabbing my shoulders and making me turn to look at him. "You'll be fine, I'll be fine, we'll be fine. We're going to win." He says, shaking me a bit.

I scowl at him. "You're not the one that's going to play with fire, actual fire." I say and he smiles.

"I know but you be careful. You and the girls," He says and I nodded, he leans forward and kisses my forehead.

"Okay, Legendary Revelation," A worker says, coming up to my crew. We turn to them and he nods at us.

"You'll be after them, good luck and you might wanna turn around." He says with his think Spanish accent, pointing behind us. I look at him confusedly before turning around, then realize why.

"Oh my god! Mom! Dad! Maddie! Dallas!" I screamed, running over to my family. I had no idea they were coming to the last dance.

I threw myself at my mom, hugging her tightly. I saw that the rest of our families were here too, they all came. After hugging my family and ranting about random things, I pull away and look at them all.

"Why did you guys came?" I ask them, my hands holding onto my little sister's hands.

"Well, we wanted to see our kids. We all chip in and fly over here," My mom said and my smile widens.

"Well we needed it, I'm so glad you all came." I say, smiling at them.

"Legendary Revelation! On in two!" A worker tells us and I nodded.

"Alright guys bring it in, let's pray." I say, smiling. So we formed a huge circle and wrap our arms around each other.

I close my eyes before starting to pray. "Heavenly Father, we thank You for this special night. We hope You will help us through this special night and be by our side every step of the way. Also thank You for bringing our families to support us and cheer us on, in the Name of Jesus, amen!" I say and was met with a course of amen's.

When we finish, I open my eyes and hold out my hand, looking at everyone.

"Okay, Legendary Revelation at three." I say, grinning at them.

Everyone put their hands on mine, smiling widely. "One, two, three!"

"Legendary Revelation!" We all shouted and cheered.

"Guys you're on!" A worker called for us.

Our families told us good luck before being rush off, going to their seats in the crowd.

I turn to my crew, smiling at them. "Guys, this is it. Whatever happens, just know I love you all and we'll always be winners, whatever the results will be." I told them and they brought me into a group hug.

When I pulled away, I walk on stage alone. I smiled at the abnormally large crowd, and put my hands together as the light was focus on me. "Bienvenidos, antes de empezar, les queremos dar la gracias a todo que participio en este competición, fueron fantásticos. También a los jueces y a nuestro familias que no soportarnos." (Welcome, before we start, we want to give thanks to everyone who participated in this competition, you were fantastic. Also to the judges and our families who supported us.) I pause, smiling as they clap and cheered.

"Pero aun también le quiero dar la gracias a mi mejores amigos, a mi familia. Ustedes, bueno, no se que puedo ser yo sin ustedes, te quiero muchísimo. Y a un hombre que me a enseñado cosas increíbles, no solamente el hip hop, pero el amor. Gracias a ti, Nick Jonas, a enseñarme como amar a una persona tan bella como tu, y tenga en mente que te amo con todo mi corazón, y nunca voy a olvidar a una persona como tu. Era una placer de conocerte. Mi vida."(But also I want to thank my best friends, to my family. You guys, well, I don't think I could be me without you you guys, I love you a lot. And also to the man that show me increadable things, not only the hip hop, but the love. Thanks to you, Nick Jonas, to show me how to love a person so beautiful like you, and have in mind that I love you with all my heart, and I will never forget a person like you. It was a pleasure to meet you. My life.) I say, smiling as I could feel my eyes prickle with tears as I heard the crowd awed.

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