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I grumble a string of curses as I got out of bed, my doorbell ringing rapidly for my attention. I glare at my front door as I walk toward it in only panties and a black tank top, it was way too early for my liking.

"What?!" I say as I slam open my door, finding a Nick Jonas standing in my door mat, a shoe box in his hands while he wore a black swim trunks, a grey shirt on with sandals.

He raises his eyebrows at me, his eyes taking in my attire while a small smirk play on his lips. "You might wanna change into a bikini for where we'll be going, or you can just stay like that 'kiss my ass panties'." He says and my eyes widened, looking down at myself as I saw the letters kiss my ass scattered on my panties. I quickly pulled my shirt over it, glaring at Nick as I felt my face flush while he just gives me a stupid grin.

"Where the hell are we going?" I ask him and he smirks.

"To the beach, the gang is on there way there so I thought I'll give you a heads up and bring you the new heels I got for you." He says and holds the shoe box out to me, I grab it with one hand while I glare at him.

"Thanks, give me ten minutes and I'll be ready." I say and turn around, walking back into my apartment with my shoe box in hand, I heard Nick wolf whistle at me.

"Damn! I'd defiantly tap that!"

"Bésame el culo Nicolas!" (Kiss my ass Nicolas!) I say and heard him laugh as I disappear into my room, closing the door behind me. I walk over to my bed and set the shoe bok down before opening it. The same pair of heels were there, same color and same size, just new. I smiled, he really did got me the heels. I close it again before stripping down to nothing then running to my bathroom.

Taking a quick cold shower in record time, I then step out and wrap a fluffy towel around my dripping wet body. I dried myself quickly, thanking God yesterday because I shaved my legs before walking back to my room. I let the towel drop to my feet before putting on my black and white two piece bikini. I then slip on some demin jean shorts before pulling my black tank top over my head again, racking my fingers through my hair.

I sprayed myself with some perfume before grabbing my duffel bag and stuffing some extra clothes, phone, earbuds, money, sunblock, towel and camera. I grab my sunglasses and slip them on, before slunging my duffel bag over my shoulder then grabbing my acoustic guitar beside my bed. I slip on my sandals before opening my bedroom door, walking back to Nick.

He was helping himself to a bottle of water from my fridge. "Make yourself at home, why don't you?" I say and he gives me a smirk before putting the bottle back inside my fridge.

"Gladly," He says and he walks over to me. I hand him my guitar to carry. He grabs my guitar, shooting me a smile before walking back to my front door.

I follow him, admiring the view of his ass. I close my door behind me, locking it before following Nick to the elevators.

We step inside and waited for the elevator to take us down to the lobby. When there, I follow Nick to his dark green Jeep. "Nice ride," I commented, looking at his Jeep happily. He grins at me, putting my guitar in the back seat, I then shrug off my duffel bag and put my bag next to my guitar, noticing another bag who I think is his in the seat.

"Thanks, its my baby." He says and I laugh before walking to the passenger seat, jumping right in and notice there wasn't a door. I shrug, liking his Jeep as I put on my seatbelt. Nick gets in next to me and puts on his own seatbelt, before turning on his Jeep and pulling out of the parking space.

I smile to myself, my hair flapping widely against the wind as Nick gets on the freeway. I kick my feet up on the dashboard, loving the feeling of the hot Miami sun beating down on us and the heat.

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