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Hyunjung breathed in the ancient smell of Taeyeon's library and felt as if she had been born anew.

How many times has she stepped between these bookshelves? Once, she had viewed herself as a torn page, an ancient relic that was destined to stand alone. Back then, the hunter hadn't known how much she longed to be reborn.

She caught a glimpse of herself in the library windows and saw herself wearing a smile. Hyunjung hardly recognized herself. Outwardly, she looked the same as she always has. Her dark hair fell over her shoulder, her long coat flowed behind her as she walked, and she still held that quiet sense of power that has guided her through life. But she was also... happy.

As she stepped through the library, Hyunjung wondered if Taeyeon would be able to see the feelings written on her face.

Hyunjung eventually found her mentor sitting at one of the library tables. One of her small, pale hands held onto a cup of tea, and the other turned a book page. Taeyeon looked up over her round glasses with a smile.

"Hyunjung!" She exclaimed warmly. "What a pleasant surprise."

"Good morning, Taeyeon." Hyunjung greeted, and returned Taeyeon's smile with her own. She pulled out a chair and sat opposite her mentor.

"Well, it seems like you have a story for me." Taeyeon said. She closed her book and focused her attention on Hyunjung. "I haven't seen you smile like that since you were a child."

"Yes, it's rather mortifying." Hyunjung admitted. She crossed one of her legs over the other, but even though her posture was confident, she felt a little nervous. She has always treasured Taeyeon's judgement, and she didn't want to disappoint her. "Something has happened."

"I suspected as much."


"You mustn't tell anyone what I am about to tell you, Taeyeon."

"Of course." Taeyeon's eyes twinkled. "Well, then, what is it? I can't bear the anticipation."

Hyunjung took a breath. The small, fresh bite mark on her neck was hidden by her turtleneck, but Hyunjung felt it burn regardless.

"I seem to be..." Hyunjung grimaced. "Falling in love."

There was a long pause. Taeyeon blinked at her rapidly.

"I'm sorry?" Taeyeon asked, incredulously.

"Yes, I know. It's not what I was planning when I came to Seoul, needless to say."

"This... certainly isn't what I was expecting."

"I understand the feeling."

"I suppose it explains your behaviour, recently." Taeyeon took off her glasses, and set them down on the table. She regarded Hyunjung carefully. "There is more to this than you're telling me, isn't there?"

"As always, you are wonderfully astute." Hyunjung smiled, "So... yeah, I'm afraid so. The reason I am telling you is because I need your advice."

"I'm not sure I am qualified to give you advice on your love life, dear."

"Your guidance has not failed me once. In any case, once you find out who the... object of my affection is, you'll soon realise you're more qualified for this discussion than you think."

a heavenly way to die (a time to be alive)Where stories live. Discover now