sadie || wisdom tooth pt 3

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sadie had been laughing non-stop ever since she got home from the dentist with y/n. it had been almost five months since she had gotten her's out and now it was time for y/n to finally experience what she did to her last time. only now, sadie wasn't going to give her the same treatment. instead of doing what y/n did to her (make her cry her eyes out like a fool), she was going to make her spill her secrets. yes, sadie was going to use y/n's unawareness to her advantage and embarrass her in a better way.

sadie's pov:

i held my phone and positioned it properly so that it could capture y/n's full body which was sprawled out on the floor. i walked over to her and pulled her up, trying my best to make her sit up straight. when she did, i quickly ran over to my phone and hit the record button, hurrying back to y/n and dropped to the floor. "okayyy, y/n i want to ask you some questions," i started, facing her and holding her hands in mine. y/n just stared at me blankly. "huh?" she said with a frown. never mind, i'm just going to ask her now, i thought impatiently, a glint of evil in my eyes. "soooo, question one. are you straight?"

she looked at me as if it was the dumbest question anyone has ever asked her.

"nah, i'm probably the fruitiest person on earth," she answered, words unclear and flashing me a goofy grin. i mumbled under my breath, "mhm, that's correct." i looked back at her again and asked another question. "okay. second question. have you ever been in love?" she furrowed her eyebrows and looked like she was thinking hard about it. after taking in a deep breath, she finally responded.


i raised my eyebrows. this was going to be good.

"awww," i commented, earning a smack from y/n. "stop making fun of meee," y/n slurred, pouting a little. ugh, she looks so cute when she does that, i thought while giving her an 'aww' look before moving on to the next question. "okay, next question. who are you in love with? like right now," i said while looking at y/n in the eye. "you," she answered without any hesitation. i gaped at her but also gave her a warm smile. i really thought she would've said someone else. "oh really? why?" i prodded, determined to make her say an entire love confession.

"i don't know. she has really nice eyes. it's like, blue and it's so, so beautiful. i love her hair too. it always looks so soft and i just feel like playing with it everytime i see it. even if she isn't famous anymore, i'm still gonna love her and nothing can change that. she's the prettiest girl i've ever seen and i just feel like kissing her right now," y/n rambled unknowingly, avoiding my gaze and just looked at her hands the whole time. i couldn't help it. my heart melted once the words poured out of her mouth. my face got redder and redder the more she complimented me and i looked at her with heart-eyes, still not believing the fact that she's actually saying all those things about me. it sounded like she was saying things from her heart but there was just no way. i mean, she was under anesthesia so, it could be because of that. but still.

i turned away from the camera and tried to hide my flustered face. after all, this video was meant to embarrass y/n, not me. "so... is that it?" i asked, secretly hoping she would confess more of her feelings. "oh yeah, there's still more. uh, i love the way she laughs and how her nose scrunches when she smiles. she says she hates it but i think it's really cute. she's also really sweet and kind to me. like, she makes me pancakes for breakfast and always comforts me when i'm upset. so... yeah. that's why i love her," y/n said, fidgeting a little. by the time she finished speaking, i was already a blushing mess.

"and who might this person be?"

y/n finally looked at me and said in disbelief, "what do you mean? it's you, dumbass." i smirked and nodded slowly, pretending like i wasn't going to pass out from happiness anytime soon. i quickly took a glance at the camera and raced to it, stopping the video from capturing the very evident blush that was still on my cheeks. i went back and sat down next to her again, moving a few pieces of fringe out of her face, pecking her on the cheek and mumbled an 'i love you too'.

three days later...

y/n's pov:

sadie had her arm around me as i nestled my head in the crook of her neck. we were just binging series comfortably until sadie spoke up. "hey y/n/n, i'm gonna use the bathroom real quick okay?" sadie said, hopping off the couch and heading to the bathroom, leaving her phone behind. i hummed in response and paused the show, a little annoyed that she had to go during the interesting parts of the episode. plus, she always stays in there for so long doing only god knows what which pissed me off even more. i sighed and looked around for something to do until i realised her phone which was lying at where she sat. since i knew her password, i picked it up and unlocked it, hoping to find any secrets she's been hiding from me. i decided to try and find something to expose her in the gallery app when i suddenly spotted a video of me and her that i haven't seen before. out of curiosity, i tapped on it.

in that moment, it felt like it was the worst thing i could've done.

i watched the video in embarrassment, cringing at the part where i outrightly admitted a love confession out loud to sadie. to be honest, i was actually a little amused though because i knew that i told sadie she could record me when i got my wisdom tooth out. blaming her for it would totally be breaking our deal. when it ended, i turned her phone off, eyeing the bathroom door intently, waiting for the redhead to step out so i could give her the 'lecture of her life'.

about two minutes later, she finally came out and i immediately turned away, acting as if nothing happened. "heyyy. sorry to keep you waiting," she said, sitting back on the couch and reaching for the remote until i snatched it away before she could get it. "hey, what's wrong? don't you wanna continue watching? why do you look so mad? what did i do?" she asked, her voice uncertain. i squinted my eyes at her and said in a suspicious manner, "girl you know damn well." the confusion on sadie's face was increasing and i grabbed her phone, showing her the video. her eyes widened and an amused grin appeared on her once-clueless face, "oh this! yeah, yeah, i know now. also why did you watch it? we were supposed to watch it together you know," she scolded lightly. i immediately noticed the serious look on her face and laughed lightly, "chill sades. i'm actually cool with it. although the part about me confessing my love for you was a bit cringey," i grimaced, recalling that part in the video. "no! it's not cringey at all! it's actually really sweet. but are you sure you're not mad at me?" sadie asked, a little wary of my reaction.

"yeah, i'm really not mad at all. i mean, i did tell you that you could film me after i get my tooth out remember? that time when you had your's removed," i explained, hoping she would understand. "oh yeah, right, right," she paused. "so... since you're not mad about it, then can i ask you something?" sadie questioned, shifting her gaze from her phone to my eyes. "yeah sure. what is it?" i said, curious of what she could possibly ask me about. sadie sighed and started, "the things you said in the video... was it true? i know we're like, together already but you've never really said your feelings out loud before. so all the stuff you said... did you really mean it? or was it just the anesthesia talking?"

to be continued...

part 4 next cos i didn't want to make it too long!

also, sorry for accidently publishing an unfinished version of this 😭

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