max || "date" pt 1

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you groaned in frustration and dropped your pen, walking quickly towards the incessant knocking on your door. it's a saturday, give me a break, you thought, opening the door. your frown instantly changed to a smile when you noticed who was outside.

"hey y/n!" the familiar redhead exclaimed, waving at you and flashing a smile. your heart skipped a beat. ugh, she's so cute, you noted mentally, waving back. "so what brings you here?" you asked, genuinely curious on why your months-long crush was standing at your doorstep on a saturday afternoon. "oh uh, i was wondering if you'd like to go to the new mall with me. i've been there once and it's actually pretty good. but it's okay if you don't want to though, i get it. i just wanted someone to come with me, you know," she explained, nervousness audible in her voice. woah, did max mayfield just ask me to hang out with her? there's no way this isn't a dream, you thought, a smile starting to appear quickly and you tried to hide it. "sure! i have nothing to do anyways," you lied, neglecting the homework that you have yet to complete. "really? that's great! uh, you wanna go now?" max asked again, eyes glinting. "okay, let's go!" you said, grabbing your wallet from the shelf near the door and headed out where max was waiting. you quickly locked your door and walked next to her, boarding a bus to the mall along the way.

time skip. sorry

"so what do you wanna do first?" max asked, hopping off the steps and jogging towards you. "i don't know. you choose," you shrugged, glancing up at the neon 'starcourt' sign at the entrance. "i heard there's a comic store. let's go there first, shall we?" she said, pulling you by the wrist and into the mall. you stared at her hand that was touching you, completely ignoring the multiple stores you both passed by. oh my god she's touching me. your eyes roamed around the back of her figure, admiring her red hair that was flowing more wildly with every step. before you knew it, you were in front of the comic store and to your disappointment, max let go of your wrist, running towards the nearest shelf. as she browsed, you watched her intently, gazing at the girl in front who seemed to be enthralled by the different stacks of comics. you couldn't help but smile a little as you thought her intense focus on finding a comic was really cute for some reason.

"so... what you looking for?" you asked, curious on why max was only browsing a particular shelf. "oh uh, i saw a comic that i really like last week but i didn't have any money with me then. i really hope no one bought it. i could've sworn it was on this shelf..." she trailed off before suddenly exclaiming, startling you a little. "found it!" max cheered, waving the comic in front of your face. you scanned the comic that had a big title at the front that read, 'wonder woman' and grinned, "it's the new issue, right? lucky it's still here."

"mhm," max agreed, heading to the cashier to pay for it. after you both left the store, you roamed around the mall a bit, not knowing what to do next. "so y/n, what should we do now? you pick," max said, looking at you straight in the eyes, causing you to blush a little. "uh, y/n, you okay? your face is like... red," she commented, making you snap out of it. "yeah, i'm fine. nothing to worry about," you said, embarrassed that max actually caught you blushing in front of her.

max's pov:

oh my go- did y/n just blush when i looked at her? does she like me? no way. there's no way she likes girls. she's definitely normal and likes guys. unlike me. i wished she liked me though. i really like her.

"how about we go get some ice cream? my treat," y/n suggested and pointed at the nautical-themed ice cream shop with a big 'scoops ahoy' sign. "sure! looks like it's worth checking out," i replied, grabbing y/n's hand subconsciously and running towards the ice cream shop. shit. why am i holding her hand again? she's gonna think i'm so weird. i tried to shrug off that thought and continued making our way to 'scoops ahoy'.


"ahoy! what can i get for you today?" a blonde girl who looked a little older than us asked, giving us a smile. she was wearing a sailor uniform which seemed to amuse y/n a little from the way she tried to hide a giggle. "uh, i'll get a vanilla," y/n said, glancing at the ice cream flavours and back up at the employee. "i'll get a strawberry then," i said, pointing at the pink ice cream. the employee nodded and began to scoop the ice cream. just then, another employee opened a small window behind the counter and said, "hey robin, you good? need my help or something?" i swear i recognise that voice, i thought, tilting my head to see the male employee behind robin.

"steve? what are you doing here?" i asked, surprised. "max? oh this is just a summer job. gotta earn cash, you know," steve replied. "uh okay. oh yeah, i brought someone with me today. her name's y/n. you seen her in school before?" i asked, leaving a confused y/n and robin listening in on our conversation. "uh no, sorry. she seems great though," steve gestured at y/n. "yeah she really is," i announced, proudly. again, y/n's face went red and there was a long awkward pause between us four. to everyone's relief, steve spoke up. "okay cool. i'm gonna get back to what i'm doing. bye." and just like that, he disappeared into the back.

"okay... uh here's your ice cream," robin said and handed us two cones. "i bet steve likes you," y/n spoke, glancing towards the back and i nodded. robin gave a nervous chuckle and said softly, "i doubt so. anyways, i don't really have a thing for guys, if you know what i mean." y/n and i looked at each other and back at robin. "yeah, we understand. good for you," i whispered, smiling. "thanks. oh, by the way... you two look kinda cute together. are you guys... dating?" robin asked hesitantly. "oh no, we're not... we're just friends," i explained, despite knowing i would want the total opposite to happen instead. the moment i said that, y/n looked hurt and looked away.

y/n's pov:

those words seemed to stab my heart.

just friends? guess i shouldn't keep my hopes up too high.

"hey y/n, you okay?" max's voice snapped me out again for a second time. "yeah. just thinking about something. it's nothing much," i assured, hoping max would be convinced. "well, okay then," she answered, looking at me worriedly. "well let's go, shall we? see you next time, robin!" i waved, trying to sound as if nothing happened. this time, i was the one to hold max's hand as we ran together, past the shops and out of the mall.

robin's pov:

i feel bad for y/n. she definitely likes max.

pt 2 coming soon!

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